A Good Time to Possess TQS - A translated Tradeqwik Voting Announcement (A charity element inside) [Tradeqwik交易所點讚政策更新!本文SBD捐助墨西哥地震災民]

in #tradeqwik7 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemians, hola, ¿cómo estas? :)

First of all if you haven't read the following announcement, check it out!
Tradeqwik Announces Adjustment in Upvoting Strategy

As for this post, it carries a few purposes: 1) letting more know about the above announcement and the amazing exchange Tradeqwik, 2) translating the post into Chinese and 3) the most important one - donating all SBDs from this post for the charity cause mentioned in the above post, the charity fund for the recent Mexico earthquake.

Actually I was gonna do a little bit of tentative calculation about why you should seriously consider buying some TQS, i.e. shares of Tradeqwik exchange, just based on these upvotes, but then while I was writing this post, @williambanks, our Vivaconomy architect, posted a new post explaining the not-so-far-future Tradeqwik voting mechanism, so I will skip this part and direct you to read further from his post.

Upcoming Changes to TradeQwik Voting

Adiós! :)

親愛的CN區朋友們好,這篇文章有多重目的,一是想多推廣一下我所參與的Viva Project以及其相關的Tradeqwik交易平台,不久前另一位CN好朋友 @nextgen622曾經發帖簡介過,所以這部份我不多說了,可以參考這篇文章。當然Viva體系是有點複雜難懂的,不是簡單可以解釋,我自己也還不太懂。所以我只是簡單在下面翻譯了最新的 @tradeqwik關於點讚方式的公告,你們可以簡略瀏覽一下!



The following is a Chinese version of the latest @tradeqwik announcment
Tradeqwik Announces Adjustment in Upvoting Strategy / Tradeqwik點讚政策更新公告

Tradeqwik雖然是個交易所(以下簡稱暱稱為TQ),但同時也是一個Steemit帳號,因此,我們非常願意為同樣擁有Steemit帳號的TQ客戶點讚!(deanliu:目前TQ的SP高達7.5萬喔!也算是小鯨魚了)。先前,我們點讚的原則是為所有註冊TQ帳號且告知我們您的VIVA ID的朋友點讚,能夠造福認同我們的人,我們也感到榮幸!


所以!在我們推出更聰明的點讚工具之前,我們決定即日起更新TQ點讚的政策!新的政策是,要得到TQ的點讚,你必須要擁有TQS,也就是TQ交易所的股份!(deanliu:關於TQS,你可以參考 @nextgen622前一陣子的文章)所有擁有TQS的股東們,就可以得到 @tradeqwik帳號的自動點讚,點讚百分比會與您所有擁有的TQS數量相關,從1%開始,最高可達20%。如果沒有TQS怎麼辦?別擔心!現在就可以到Tradeqwik去購買!目前價格大約是10個VIVA。你可以把這個點讚當成是持有TQS的福利,尤其是如果你有經常性地在Steemit上發表文章的話。當然,TQ每個星期固定的利息分派,與你是否在此發文章是沒有關係的。


其他近期消息:Viva Holdings公司(帳號: @vivacoin)日前啟動了一項慈善募款活動,希望能盡一份力量來幫助之前在墨西哥市發生的7.2級大地震的受難居民(deanliu:Viva開發團隊的地理位置位於墨西哥)。也盼望您能夠一起加入這項十分有意義的活動,我們接受各種主要的加密貨幣。您可以到這篇文章以及這裡,去了解更進一步關於捐款的訊息。非常感謝各位慷慨解囊的朋友!

報告目前VIVA的錨定水準已到達 $9.41,已經非常接近 $10的目標了!

最後,如果你現在登入Tradeqwik網站,會發現我們在Exchange部分已經有一些小更新,你可以直接在這裡瀏覽 Discord Trollbox留言板的訊息喔!趕緊去瞧瞧吧!

TradeQwik on Facebook
TradeQwik on Twitter
TradeQwik Discord Server


All SBDs from this post will be donated to the VIVA charity fund for the recent Mexican earthquake disaster.


转了 20 SBD给 @deanliu , 烦请代我捐给震区灾民吧。




Thank you!! :)


Just to be clear, what @wiser discusses in the @tradeqwik blog is the current official stance and her information was accurate as of the last couple of days.

But the exact formula used is still up for discussion. I'm using one for the initial test that I think is fair and will result in everyone having a turn. However if you want to skip to the front of the line, TQS ownership is your ticket :D

Thanks for the mention and all your hardwork @deanliu, I'm upvoting and resteeming this post.


很多的愛,:~~~~ ^^ 感謝!

Thanks for translating, and for supporting the earthquake victims,great job!
Upvoted and resteemed.

Great cause


Nice knowledge I Translated with google translate...

Great work .Need around of applause .Keep it up