Happy April 23 National Sovereignty and Children's Day!

in #tr6 years ago

Turkey will mark National Sovereignty and Children’s Day on April 23, the anniversary of the foundation of the Turkish Parliament, with official ceremonies to be held in the capital Ankara.
The country celebrates the establishment of parliament with National Sovereignty and Children’s Day on April 23 every year, as it was bestowed by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Republic of Turkey, at the opening ceremony of parliament. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk dedicated this day for children as he stated that they were the future of the new nation.
“The rising new generation, the future is yours. We founded the Republic, you are the ones to elevate it and keep it alive.” – Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. April 23, 1920.


Every year, the children in Turkey celebrate this day as a national holiday. Schools participate in week-long ceremonies marked by performances in all fields in large stadiums watched by the entire nation.
The most common symbols of National Sovereignty and Children’s Day are:
 A globe or a circle, symbolizing the world.
 A group of children holding hands, symbolizing unity.
 The Turkish flag, symbolizing Turkish statehood.
These symbols are commonly seen on National Sovereignty and Children’s Day in Turkey.


Surprising us with their ideas wiser than their ages and inspiring our lives with their creative perspectives, our children are our springs of both joy and hope. Their 23 April shows prepared for this special day and 23 April poems read with excitement make us all happy, young and old alike.
National Sovereignty and Children's Day fills our souls with joy. Our children’s smiles illuminating their faces give meaning to life. I celebrate all our children’s day and continue our endeavors for their todays and tomorrows.


Children in Aceh, Indonesia should also be included in celebrating the child's day. So they are not employed in the work of adults.

Children do the work of adults, often seen here. Like being a farmer, a construction worker, even a clown. image

Seeing these small kids in this situation hurt my heart.. People are so selfish and prefer to spend their money on useless brands other than helping children around the world.. On the other hand there are lots of children organisations.. I really curious about what they are doing and what their missions are after seeing these small kids working under tough conditions.. İf we could get together we could help these small ones..