The Tribulation - Visitation Code
"The Tribulation / Visitation" - One occurrence within the Torah Codes.
The main term can also read backward as "Character Moving Ruff".
Ra-El me and YHVH, R.Lear, Divine, Collectivization, Compass.
Ra-El me and YHVH: Gen 26:24 And the LORD appeared unto him the same night, and said: 'I am the God of Abraham thy father. Fear not, for I am with thee, and will bless thee, and multiply thy seed for My servant Abraham's sake.'
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I am so blown away with these codes. Thank you, Richard, for trusting me with giving you this word search.
It is only "the beginning of sorrows" as stated in Matthew 24...
What LIGHT .. how can anyone miss this ?
An astounding find!
what I like is the Alpha and Tau Lear - again 100% proof
These codes are so cool, it's interesting how God coded the bible and this confirms everything going on.
You should've seen Mother Selena react when she first saw this, LOL
I have high hopes for the "nationalization" part of this especially.
It will not be long before this code is fulfilled
Ra as Lear. #EnoughSaid