TonTogether's Lossless Lottery Protocol: Stake $UP, Claim $TOT!

in #tontogether9 months ago (edited)


Welcome to TonTogether, the first lossless lottery project on the TON blockchain. Our protocol is revolutionizing the way people save and win, providing a risk-free and transparent lottery experience. With TonTogether, you can stake your $UP tokens in our TonUP LaunchPool and earn $TOT rewards. Let's delve into the details and discover how TonTogether is changing the game. At TonTogether, we believe that saving and winning should go hand in hand. That's why our lossless lottery protocol allows you to deposit $TON into our protocol and stake it in the node for the chance to win prizes. The best part even if you don't win, there is no loss. We generate income from staking, ensuring that your funds are always working for you. TonTogether is proud to be the first launchpool project on TonUP, a leading platform in the TON ecosystem. By staking your $UP tokens in our TonUP LaunchPool, you not only have the opportunity to earn rewards but also
become a part of the future of DeFi. Our collaboration with TonUP and our innovative economic model have garnered recognition for their fairness and innovation.

Key Takeaways:

● TonTogether is the first lossless lottery project on the TON blockchain.

● Stake your $UP tokens in the TonUP LaunchPool and earn $TOT

● No loss is guaranteed, as our protocol generates income from staking.

● TonTogether offers a transparent and fair lottery experience for everyone.

● Our collaboration with TonUP and innovative economic model make us
a project to watch.

About Tontogether Project

Tontogether is a revolutionary Project that's aims to revolutionize saving and winning. As the first No-loss prize saving protocol on the TON blockchain, the Tontogether offers users a transparent and fair benefit to the earn rewards. With it's innovative no loss prize saving protocol, the Tontogether combined the excitement of a lottery with the security if the savings account. Participants can stakes TON tokens and have chance to win the prize without risk of losing their initial investment. Imagine a platform where you can save the your hard earned crypto while also getting the a chance to win prize ls. That's exactly what Tontogether offers. By the staking your TON tokens, you not only earn rewards but also participant in the unique no loss prize saving the experience. At the Tontogether we believe that saving the money should be rewarded and fun. Our innovation platform merged the world of the saving looters giving user the big opportunity to win the big while protecting their investments. With the Tontogether you don't have to worry about risking your funds. The no loss prize saving protocol ensure that you initial investment remains safe, while still providing you with the chance to win the prizes.

Some features of the TonTogether

Liquidity pool: To ensure that the market stability, 19% of the profits are allocated to the buying back TOT tokens. Which form a liquidly pool. This pool can helps maintain sufficient liquidity for trading activities while also increasing market efficiency and reducing price volatility. Moreover continues transaction fees contrive to token burning, further promoting supply demand balance.

Token Burning: To enhance the value and scarcity if our tokens, we actively contribute to token burning. Transaction fees incurred on the platform are utilited to burn tokens, reducing the overall supply. This strategy promotes scarcity which the benefits token holder and contributions to long term values appreciation.

Potential for high Rewards: The total value locked TVL generate rewards that can result in the significance earning for TOT holders.

Transparent Distribution: The rewards from the TVL are distribution transparenctly, ensure that the fairness and trusted within the Tontogether ecosystem.

No - Risk Lottery Participation: By the staking TOT tokens, participants enter the lossless lottery and have a chance to win the prize ls without any risk of loss.

How to use TonTogether


Participants in the Tontogether is a straightforward process designed with the participants experience in minds. Simply that the deposit your rewards mean ton token and stake them to start earning the huge rewards. By the doing so you not only gain the benefit to the win the best prizes from the pool, but also have flexibility to withdraw your initial deposit without incurring any loss. As an added the best opportunity you will receive tokens, enhance your overall the experience on their platform the Tontogether ensure that users can be preserved their principles the invention while unlocking the potential for additional opportunities. We strive to make participants easy and rewarding for all participants. Don't miss this opportunity guys.

Tontogether tokenomics

Symbol: $TOT
Total supply: 10 Billions

The more you deposit, more rewards you will receive. Don't miss this opportunity. Good luck everyone.


TonTogether offers a groundbreaking solution for risk-free crypto prize
savings. With its lossless lottery protocol, participants can engage in exciting
prize savings without the fear of losing their investment. This innovative approach ensures that your funds are safe while providing the opportunity to earn $TOT, By joining the TonUP launchpool, you can be part of the future of DeFi. Stake your $UP tokens and unlock the potential to earn while you win. The platform offers a seamless and secure environment for participants to maximize their earnings and contribute to the growth of the TonTogether ecosystem. Don't miss out on the chance to be part of this exciting project. TonTogether's collaboration with TonUP sets the stage for future advancements in the DeFi space. With its transparent and fair lottery system, TonTogether is revolutionizing the way individuals save and win in the crypto world. Experience risk-free crypto prize savings and join the TonUP launchpool for TOT today.


What is TonTogether?

TonTogether is the first no-loss prize saving protocol on the TON blockchain. revolutionizes the way people save and win by offering a transparent and fair
lossless lottery experience

How does TonTogether work?

TonTogether allows users to stake their $TON tokens in the protocol's node
and earn interest. This interest is used to fund the lossless lottery, where
participants have a chance to win $TOT tokens. The lottery is designed to
provide a fair chance for everyone, regardless of their stake size.

What are the tokenomics of TonTogether?

50% of the rewards generated from TonTogether's Total Value Locked (TVL)
goes to the lucky winner, 30% is reserved for the treasury, 19% is allocated to
liquidity pool buyback, and 1% is allocated to the TonTogether team.

How can I join the TonUP launchpool for $TOT?

To join the TonUP launchpool and earn $TOT tokens, you can stake your $UP
tokens. Simply visit the TonUP website and follow the instructions to
participate in the launchpool.

More information


@TogetherTON @TonUP_io @bountyportals #TonTogether #TonUP #Launchpool $TOT $UP
#TON #Crypto #Defi #web3

Bitcoin username : Rafin900
Telegram username : @Rafin900
Ton address: UQAnRn1LRH2Ip_wF1XsU-HezMHH5UkEFKfCv8tuWoxteD4m_