in #tontogether9 months ago


About Tontogether

Tontogether has emerged as a game changer in the DeFi industry with it's groundbreaking lossless lottery protocol on the TON blockchain. The platform has made remarkable achievements such as successful launching of the TonUp launch pool platform & forging strategic partnership with key players in the blockchain ecosystem. The future on the Tontogether is incredible promising with a comprehensive roadmap that charts the way forward. This roadmap includes plants for the deeper collaboration within the ton ecosystem and that the implications of the DAO governce ensuring transparency and community involvement in the protocol development. With it's unique approach Tontogether offers an unmatched lottery experience that provides equal opportunities for users to save & win rapidly revoling crypto spec. The protocol committee to fairness and transparency sets it apart provide users with peace of the mind and a sense of the security while engaging with the platform. Inspire by demand for captivating utiles related project Tontogether was founded with mission to make an accessible playing field for all participants with Ton ecosystem. As a NO loss prize saving platform, they provide an engaging platform encouraging users to deposit assets users in the prize winning benefits and fully engaged with ecosystem. Rest assured unwavering commitment to transparency guaranteed a seamless and trustworthy experience for their cherished users, where risk and loss are simply non existent.

Key Takeaways

•TonTogether is the first no loss prize saving protocol on the TON blockchain.

•Users can stake TonUp token (UP) launchpool & earn TOT rewards.

•Tontogether combined the thrill of a lottery with the security of a saving account.

•The collaboration between Tontogether & TonUp offers exciting benefits to be apart of the DeFi evolution.

How TonTogether Works


To users in the Tontogether ecosystem all you need to do is stake your TON tokens. By doing so, you become eligible to win prize s and Eran rewards.

•Stake TON tokens: Simple stake your TON tokens on the Tontogether platform.

•Join the prize Pool: Your staked tokens will automatically enter the prize Pool, giving you a chance to win prizes.

•Earn rewards: As more participants join the prize Pool, rewards grow. Each period a lucky winner is randomly selected to claiming the price & all others participate received rewards for their participation. It's means that events if you don't win the main prize you still get rewarded.

Benefits of the TonTogether Staking

Staking TON tokens on the Tontogether offers a unique combination of earning interest and mining TOT tokens. This innovation staking model provides a rewarding experience for the participants.

By the staking ton tokens used mor only earn a passive income but also accumulation TOT token which be redeemed for different rewards within the Tontogether ecosystem. This make an engaging and profitable experience for participants allowing them to win big while supporting the growth of the platform.

The Tontogether staking model designed to provide a small sustainable and fair distribution of rewards. It's empower users to activate participation in the ecosystem and benefits from the success of the platform.



The TOT token has a limited initial supply of 2% out of this, 1% is mined through the staking of UP token, while remaining 1% is allocated for liquidity. This balanced distribution ensured that the sustainability and value on the token economy. By the holding and staking TOT token participants can unlock a range of the benefits within the Tontogether platform. These opportunities include earnings higher rewards accessible exclusive features and participating in the governce decisions.

For more information please visit this site links below.



BTT username: Shwon600
BTT Profile Link:;u=2843257
Telegram username: @Shawon600
Ton wallet address: UQCETwRihpG5wLJwhlJTPuXksVACmNyxWT0FhoAR2THX57YC