TonTogether Launches on TonUP: Stake $UP, Mine $TOT, and Win Big!

in #tontogether9 months ago

TonTogether, the revolutionary platform that combines saving and winning, has officially launched on the TonUP LaunchPool. This exciting launch allows users to stake their $UP tokens and earn $TOT rewards, creating a unique opportunity to win big in the cryptocurrency space. With a transparent and fair lottery system, TonTogether aims to transform the way people save and have fun while providing ample chances to win incredible prizes.

Key Takeaways:

TonTogether has launched on the TonUP LaunchPool, bringing together the power of saving and winning in one platform.

Users can stake their $UP tokens and earn $TOT rewards, creating opportunities for big wins.

The launchpool offers a total of 100 million $TOT rewards to participants, providing plenty of chances to win.

TonTogether's transparent and fair lottery system ensures everyone has an equal chance at winning.

The collaboration with TonUP, a leading platform in the TON ecosystem, adds credibility and support to the project.

About TonTogether

TonTogether is revolutionizing the TON ecosystem with its innovative non-loss lottery protocol. With millions of users onboarded through the power of Telegram, TonTogether offers a no-loss prize saving game that has captured the attention of the cryptocurrency community.

Unlike traditional lotteries, TonTogether ensures that participants never lose their staked tokens, making it a truly unique and exciting experience. By providing a non-loss lottery protocol, TonTogether is changing the game and creating a new standard of fairness and transparency in the world of cryptocurrency.

With the ability to attract millions of users through Telegram, TonTogether has the potential to become a game-changer in the industry. Its innovative approach and commitment to providing a no-loss prize saving game have positioned it as one of the most anticipated projects in the TON ecosystem.

Revolutionizing the Lottery Experience

TonTogether is transforming the traditional lottery model by introducing a non-loss prize saving game. Participants no longer have to worry about losing their initial investment. It's a win-win situation for everyone involved.

By leveraging the power of Telegram, TonTogether has been able to onboard millions of users, making it accessible to a wide range of crypto enthusiasts. This has led to increased participation in the TonTogether platform and a growing community of users.

With its non-loss lottery protocol, TonTogether is paving the way for a new era of fairness and transparency in the lottery industry. Participants can stake their tokens with peace of mind, knowing that they will never lose their initial investment. This innovative approach has garnered attention from both seasoned investors and newcomers to the crypto space

The Power of Telegram

Telegram has proven to be a powerful platform for TonTogether, enabling it to reach and onboard millions of users. The seamless integration with Telegram has made it easy for users to join the TonTogether community and participate in the no-loss prize saving game.

Telegram's user-friendly interface and widespread adoption have made it an ideal platform for TonTogether to connect with crypto enthusiasts from around the world. This has played a significant role in the platform's success and its ability to attract a large user base.

With the help of Telegram, TonTogether is able to provide a seamless and user-friendly experience for its participants. This, combined with its non-loss lottery protocol, has positioned TonTogether as a leader in the cryptocurrency industry.

How TonTogether Works

TonTogether operates on a unique staking model that allows users to stake their $TON tokens and earn $TOT rewards. This innovative approach ensures that participants have a fair chance at winning while also supporting the value of the $TOT token. Let's take a closer look at how TonTogether works:

Staking Model

Users stake their $TON tokens in TonTogether to participate in the no-loss prize saving game. By staking their tokens, participants not only contribute to the total value locked (TVL) in TonTogether but also become eligible for the chance to win big.

TonTogether TVL Rewards

The rewards in TonTogether are distributed based on the TVL. Here's how the distribution works:

•50% of the rewards go to the lucky winner

•30% of the rewards go to the treasury to back up the $TOT value

•19% of the rewards go to the liquidity pool for buybacks and liquidity

•1% of the rewards go to the TonTogether team

This unique distribution model ensures that all participants have an equal chance of winning a prize while also promoting the stability and growth of the $TOT token.

By staking their $UP tokens and contributing to the TVL, users not only increase their chances of winning but also play a vital role in supporting the TonTogether ecosystem.

TonTogether Collaboration

TonTogether has joined forces with TonUP and BountyPortals to bring this groundbreaking project to life. Leveraging the support and infrastructure of TonUP, a prominent platform in the TON ecosystem, TonTogether has gained the necessary resources to launch its innovative solution. Additionally, BountyPortals, a renowned blockchain marketing company, has played a vital role in orchestrating an effective marketing strategy and implementing a successful bounty program to promote TonTogether.

This extensive collaboration has played a crucial role in raising awareness and driving participation in the TonTogether project. By utilizing the strengths and expertise of each partner, TonTogether has established a strong foundation within the cryptocurrency community, ensuring the project's long-term success.

Through its partnership with TonUP, TonTogether can leverage the platform's established user base and reputation to attract a wide range of participants. This collaboration opens doors to millions of users who can now experience the unique features and benefits offered by TonTogether's no-loss prize saving game.

BountyPortals' involvement has been instrumental in crafting a comprehensive marketing strategy that effectively reaches potential users and showcases the value proposition of TonTogether. The bounty program developed by BountyPortals has incentivized community engagement and participation, further enhancing the visibility and success of TonTogether in the rapidly evolving crypto market.

The collective efforts of TonTogether, TonUP, and BountyPortals have laid the groundwork for a successful launch and long-term growth. This collaboration exemplifies the power of strategic partnerships and a well-executed marketing strategy in driving the adoption and success of innovative projects within the cryptocurrency ecosystem.


Initial Supply and Distribution

The initial supply of $TOT is divided as follows:

This balanced distribution ensures that participants can enjoy both the benefits of staking $UP tokens and the liquidity provided in the market.

Stake $UP and Earn $TOT
By staking their $UP tokens, participants in the TonUP launchpool have the opportunity to earn $TOT. This incentivizes users to play an active role in the platform while creating a vibrant ecosystem within TonTogether. The more $UP tokens staked, the higher the potential rewards in $TOT.

Trading on

After earning $TOT through the TonTogether launchpool, participants can trade their tokens on the trading platform. This allows users to capitalize on the value they have accumulated and participate in the broader cryptocurrency market.

Overall, $TOT serves as the fuel for the TonTogether ecosystem, providing a rewarding experience for users who stake $UP tokens and offering liquidity for seamless trading. Let's dive deeper into the benefits and potential of TonTogether in the upcoming sections.


TonTogether's launch on the TonUP LaunchPool has provided crypto enthusiasts with a unique opportunity to stake their $UP tokens and earn $TOT rewards. This groundbreaking project has revolutionized the way people save and win in the cryptocurrency space. By combining a transparent and fair lottery system with the power of collaboration, TonTogether ensures that participants have a fair chance at winning while maintaining the value of the $TOT token.

Through its partnership with TonUP and BountyPortals, TonTogether has been able to create awareness and drive participation in the project. This collaboration has played a key role in the success of the TonTogether launchpool, allowing it to attract and engage a wide range of users. As TonTogether continues to grow and expand, it aims to provide even more grand prize opportunities and deliver a truly rewarding experience for its community.

Whether you're a seasoned crypto investor or just starting out, joining TonTogether's TonUP LaunchPool is a great way to stake your $UP tokens, mine $TOT rewards, and stand a chance to win big. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to be part of the future of no-loss prize saving games. Stake, mine, and win with TonTogether today!


What is TonTogether?

TonTogether is a platform that offers a no-loss prize saving game, revolutionizing the world of saving and winning. Participants have the chance to win prizes by staking TON tokens.

How does TonTogether work?

TonTogether operates on a staking model, where users stake their $UP tokens to earn $TOT rewards. The rewards are distributed based on the total value locked in TonTogether, with different percentages allocated to the winner, the treasury, the liquidity pool, and the team.

What is $TOT?

$TOT is the native token of TonTogether. It has an initial supply of 2%, with 1% being mined through staking $UP tokens and 1% allocated for liquidity. Participants in the TonTogether launchpool can earn $TOT by staking their $UP tokens and have the opportunity to trade it on the trading platform.

Who has TonTogether collaborated with?

TonTogether has collaborated with TonUP and BountyPortals. TonUP provides support and infrastructure for the TonTogether launchpool, while BountyPortals has assisted with the marketing strategy and bounty program for TonTogether.

What are the benefits of participating in the TonTogether launchpool?

Participants in the TonTogether launchpool have the opportunity to stake their $UP tokens and earn $TOT rewards. The launchpool offers a total of 100 million $TOT rewards, providing a chance to win big. Additionally, the collaboration with TonUP and BountyPortals ensures a well-supported and strategic launch for TonTogether.

How can I join the TonTogether launchpool?

To join the TonTogether launchpool, participants need to stake their $UP tokens within the staking period, which runs from January 10th to February 10th. There are no whitelists, allowing for public participation. Simply visit the TonUP website and follow the instructions to participate in the launchpool.

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