in #tokenpay6 years ago

Hi Everyone...
I am Jamal Aezaz.. I was hired as tokenpay's Bounty program manager.. I have worked with token pay for over 6 months as of now. but it has been the worst experience for me to working with them.. because Derek and His Team is one of those so many scammers who raised Millions of Dollars in ICOs. but when time of paying the supporters and Contributors come, they start making baseless excuses and try to save every single penny they can.

Bounty Program Scam: 110,000 Tpay Coins = $770,000
They have Agreed to Pay 100,000 TPay Coins for Bounties plus a 10000 Coins for Management fee. but once the bounty program finished ,, they suddenly started finding excuses and tried to keep reducing payment more and more.

Excuse 1: Participants Wallets
Tpay is a coin on it's own Blokchain. it is not an ERC or top of any other Blockchain Token. so before ICO start and Bounty Start time there was not any Wallet Available/Launched, We clearly asked Derek and Johny About this and they agreed and asked us to collect every users email addresses at the time of joining so they could pay their payments directly to their wallets at the end of bounty program. but at the end of Bounty program they suddenly changed their minds and asked me for wallet addresses.. I told them that the wallets was not available at the time of members joining bounty program and the agreement was to make their payments in their ICO dashboard. but they didn't listen to that and put me again to collect everyone wallets.

if they wanted they could easily deposit everyone's Bounty payment to each participants ICO dashboard as initial agreement. but they started this Wallet Collection bullshit. which cause a long till (even till today still all participants not submitted their wallets)

Excuse 2: Re-auditing / Double checking Bounty Participants
when Bounty program ended and we entered in distribution phase. Derek changed his mind to accept the spreadsheet My team have prepared and decided to reject my checking and counting and do another checking and counting by himself. he delayed that re-audit for 2 months and then at the end he put Danny on the re-audit work after two month of time. lots of actives which were done by bounty participants. were removed from their places. (medium, steemit, tweets, shares etc) and lots of them got rejected again.

Excuse 3: Stake System
When the Campaign Started, Johny and Derek Chose to Go with Stake system.. Everyone know about Stake system can confirm how it works.. in Stake system the bounty allocation will be fixed to a specific amount and then that specific amount divided among all participants. no matter if the participants are 100 or 10,000 at the end.. even if a person get disqualified at some point, that participants stakes and tokens will be divided into other participants. this is how stake system bounty program work which was chosen by Johny and Derek them selves. for Blog and media bounty I advised them to go for a fixed pay rate system. but they refused that advise and insist me to continue with stake system..

Then when the bounty program finished Derek started a baseless re-audit thing which ended up with a lot of disqualification (mentioned above).. but they decided to not pay the tokens of disqualified users into the rest of qualified users (according to the terms o stakes system), they said everyone will get whatever they've got in my first calculation. (they rejected my calculations and decided to run a re-audit but the allocations I've assigned to each participates they did not agree to change that) I tried a lot to explain them that they cannot do that. but they did not listen that . so I had to remove them from the bounty spreadsheets and locked the sheets so they do not make any copy for that.. after that they totally opened up and clearly said they'll not pay anything to me and bounty participants..

According to them after locking the spreadsheets, I've violated the initial Bounty management agreement. while they've violated the agreement almost 6 times till that time.. (I'll show everything in the screenshot evidence)

Referral Bonus Scam 25,000 Tpay Coins = $175,000

I have referred tokenpay ICO to a chinese firm and have convinced them to invest in Tokenpay ICO. after that I've arranged a meeting call between that chinese firm and Derek capo which was ended up with 30 Bitcoin investment from that Chinese group.. for that Derek capo Agreed to Pay me 25k Tpay coins as my referral bonus (when the actual referral bonus that time at ICO website was 50%, but Derek Didn't agreed to pay me 50% referral bonus because that group did not joined through my referral link in ICO but they've made a direct deal with TokenPay owner (derek) so I didn't got the actual referral links but Derek agreed to pay me 25,000 Tpay coin for this big investment ) which was not fair but I still agreed. but instead of Paying me the 25k Coins he paid me only 5000 Tpay coins after 2 month of requests and asking for payment everyday finally he opened up his mouth and refused to pay me 25,000 Tpay coins. because after such a long delay the tokenpay Coin already gained a value in market and then Derek got jealous to pay the agreed amount for that deal.. according to him I didn't put so much efforts to arrange that 30 Bitcoins (Around 0.4 Million $ at that time's bitcoin price) Deal. so he decided to change his mind to pay the 25,000 Tpay coins and make it only 5000,

in Both Referral and Bounty Programs Derek and his Team Scammed Total 135,000 Tpay Coins which worth Around 945,000 Dollars (Almost 1 Million $) if we include the late/Delay Charges the funds add up more then 1 Million $$ worth of TokenPay...

Now I'll Add All the Evidences and Proofs (Sceenshots) of where Derek and His Team makes agreements, and then the evidences and proofs where they've broke their own agreements and words and finally turned into a 100% scam.

Converstation Between me And Derek:
Here Are All The necessary Screenshots, I've took from the Conversation between me and Derek.. these will reveal a lot of things and reality behind this So-called Successful Project:

TokenPay Founder Derek Capo Agreeing to pay 110,000 Tpay Coins.. 100,000 for Bounty and 10000 for Bounty Managers (me and my team).

Below are the Screenshots of the conversation Between me and Derek about That Chinese Company Investment,
it is very interesting conversation where everyone can clearly see the real Face of Derek Capo. how first he promised 120% bonus when the chinese Guy agreed to invest 30 Bitcoins. but then suddenly broken his own agreement when he noticed the other people buying from ICO and the though that he do not need to give discounts to big investors.
this is the proof that this Derek not only a Greedy person but also very unprofessional, he can break any deal and agreement whenever he get a better offer. so My advise for anyone to stay away from him.

these are the words of a Founder of a Multi Million Raised Blockchain Project.

Below are the Chat logs when the Bounty and ICO newly closed and Tokenpay Successfully Raised 30 Million $. In these Screenshots. you can clearly see, how he started making excuses and started to deny and delay payments with excuse after excuse, useless requirements. and false complaints.

Drama Started.

this is the proof of the referral agreement. derek Agreed to pay me 25,000 Tpay coins for the China Deal which was invested 30 Bitcoins in Tokenpay ICO.

He confirmed the 25k coins for referral again

Here he started showing is real face. it is chat log after early ICO end. First Refusal to not pay 100k cons for bounty and the excuse is just because few translators didn't submit their work on time.

continuously baseless excuse . now he came to that stupid re-audit because of which he delayed the bounties for 4 months.

Here I wanted to be fair.. I clearly told him if the think the management was not done properly he can cut management fee. but can't cut bounty payments.

LOL.. the only excuse he made to not pay me 50% referral (which was the actual referral when I referred that Chinese company to tokenpay) just because that deal was done privately through skype.... besided paying me 50% which was around 15 Bitcoins he only agreed to pay me 25K coins (which was already an unfair and partiality with me) but I still agreed to accept 25K coins. but after few days he again refused to pay 25K coins. I'll post the proof of that too.

Trying to tripping 110k coins when his ICO raised 30 Million $.. this is the real face of Derek Capo and tokenpay if someone wasn't aware before, he should be warned now.

when he see the situation getting out of control he suddenly changed his language. So much Drama Dude.

Again reminding me that he'll do a full audit so he have a reason to delay the payments till the end of January.. he released the whole bounty payment responsibility from himself.

No point to re-audit everything when you already hired a manager to manage your Bounties.. if you don't trust a manager. why you hired us and wasted our 5 months in this scam project? someone please explain him this.

Drama Continue. First time asking me to collect wallets. when in the initial management agreement we've clearly discussed that the bounties will be paid to everyone's Tokenpay dashboard.

in above messages he said he'll pay at end of January. and now it is 13th January and he's not even started his so-called re-audit.

keeps avoiding my referral bonus payment requests. see his insulting language when I asked for referral payment.

this message is from Friday 20th January. First he promised to pay bounties in late January and now he is making another excuse and again moved bounty payments to february.. and no response when I asked for my referral bonus. I request crypto community to notice his behavior properly

February 10th: Excuses continuous.

Again no response to my referral payment request

A New excuse to delay the bounties for more time.. as long as ICO investors won't cashout their coins to their own wallet, he will not pay the bounties. even those 5000 users already got their coins in their ICO dashboard. LOL... Derek have crossed all limits of baseless excuses

It is 27th February: The bounties which was supposed to be paid at the end of January (according to Derek him self) because of his none sense Re-audit issue. it's another great example of unprofessionalism

Please somebody tell me if this is not a real scam then what is the scam? see how blatantly he refused to pay the agreed amount of referral bonus (25K Tpay) and threatening me to tak only 5000 or get 0, after 3 months of waiting, and after so many requests and pushing he finally decided to show his real face.

This Derek Capo should be in jail today for such a blatant scam attempt. and see what is his excuse.. " I am buying Tpay from other users just because of this?? really ? is Buying Tpay Coin ia Scam? then what is the reason of making Tpay? I am a scam because I am buying Tpay coins. and whatever you are doing is fair.. this is the mind of a Well Educated American person who's also the Founder of a Big Blockchain.

No answer of how I scammed people. just repeating accept 5k coins or get zero, dude if I scammed anyone then prove it.

100% scam

After just scamming me for 20k Tpay coins. this guys keeps blaming me and trying to prove himself innocent. everyone can see what he just did with my referral payment. I let this judgement on the community. you people decide who is the scammer.

everyone can clearly see in above screenshot. he have promised to pay the bounties at the end of January. and now he's saying he never promised a date. another example of Derek's breaking his words again

just to delay the bounties for more time. he's putting a big load of work on me of collecting user's wallets. which was not even part of our initial agreement. John and Derek Clearly agreed to pay the participants through the ICO dashboard (I'll post screenshot of this too)

Lying over lying

still didn't started his re-audit which he wanted to do since 3 months

See Friends.. now he set another date. 14th march, and below you'll see how he will fuck up his own words with his team

How can he accept such reasonable options. all of his auditing things. wallet collection things were useless excuses to delay the payments more and more and finally end up with no payment. he was just trying to get more time

just few lines above he's clearly saying he'll not pay the agreed amount of bounties and after few lines. he want to be fair.. what kind of fairness is this? somebody please tell me

these are the all proofs and screenshots taking from between me and Derek Skype Conversation.. there are not finished yet.. I yet to post screenshots of Group conversation. danny conversation. a lot more proofs and evidence yet to be posted. but these are also enough proof of the scam Derek and His team has run behind me and bounty programs. everyone can clearly see he made agreements. he broke agreements. he promised payments. he refused payments. he fixed dates. but never paid on those dates. these scroonshots are enough to show a clear picture of Derek Capo's Greedy personality..

Note: I'll Add more details and all proof here shortly.

Road Map

1: Posting Proofs and Screenshots.
2: Press and News Publications and Public Awareness About Tokenpay's 1 Million $ Scam.
3: A Charity bounty program to Support the 2000 Scammed Users. with help of that Bounty program. we'll Raise our voice against tokenpay scam in entire Crypto Community and let everyone know what they've done with us.
3: Blacklisting from Exchanges and Coinmarketcap.
4: Sending Mass Emails to Verge Team, Tpay's Advisory Group and TokenPay's other partners and request them to boycott Tokenpay untill they Refund the Scammed Coins.
4: Filing a Case in FBI and other American and Chines Agencies about this blatant Scam.

Here is the Options if Derek and his Team Wants to Sort this out before this get even worst and they don't get any chance to change it:

1: Escrow 110,000 + 50,000 (delay charges) of Tpay Coins to a trusted wallets,
2: Pay the Remaining referral bonus of 25,000 Tpay Coins.
3: Proof me wrong with Valid Evidence and Proofs..

You can find more information at Bitcontalk:


@therealwolf 's created platform smartsteem scammed my post this morning (mothersday) that was supposed to be for an Abused Childrens Charity. Dude literally stole from abused children that don't have mothers ... on mothersday.