Modern weapon

in #tolast month

Did you know with modern technology like for example, a heater that can expel matter into your house that can cause respiratory syndromes and even death


Did you know while you’re sitting in front of the TV watching TV? Somebody a whistle in the water can talk to you using a Radio they put in your face.

And you can’t tell between their voice and the sound of your own thoughts

Did you know somebody can activate this weapon with a cellular phone and as long as they have a radio they can reach a heater by your unit And the heater can store atmospheric Chemicals in its filtration system

Did you know that with modern technology because they can be activated to launch attacks very quickly

To Police and other agencies have the right to police you at light speed

Did you know if you sit in front of your television and have some sort of impulse thought reaction nor saying that can be associated with attempting to take away someone’s life or harm them?

The police can activate a weapon Instant instantly robbing you

Did you know some of the people sitting in front of their TV watching TV or not actually watching TV? They’re watching the people in their own city doing their day-to-day activities.

Did you know the police have machines underground? They are connected to police station radios

Did you know these radios can be used to talk to video game platforms like games like GTA that are connected to Police tech technologies

Did you know these vehicles drive past your place of business they can activate technology that can your bank account because you had a thought

Did you know your thoughts might not be thoughts it could be a little tiny microphone in your teeth


Did you know there’s more than one countries military And due to the nature of modern attacks where you can attack a man instantly by clicking a key press

Did you know automated weapon systems use keyword activations, and can even monitor the thoughts of 100% of people in front of the television site

Did you know billions of devices can be activated simultaneously to zero everyone on the planet instantly

Did you know some of the police officers investigating these so-called crimes?

Are using underground machine machines

Some of these machines are connected to the power grid and activate radio zero everyone’s bank account based on stuff that you said while sitting in front of your TV because the police know that the people you’re watching on TV are actually your neighbors or one of your cousins

Did you know 100 million families can watch the same exact TV show and get totally different experiences and even people

Did you know if you get a marketing incentive card and let somebody market it to you they can advertise sounds so you can’t differentiate from your own thoughts to you 24 hours a day while you sit in front of the television