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RE: VLOG #20: How To Know When It Is Time To Let Go ♥

in #tips8 years ago

Another killer video hun!

There are far to many things I could say about relationships. I'll do what I can to keep this short and sweet lol.

I grew up around really intense ones too.

It seems compatibility is vastly misunderstood.

Personally, letting go has always been tough. Mainly cause I see the investment I've put into it and want to see that investment pay off.

There are so many reason to let go though. To distill it down and capture it at its core, I would break it down to 3 things, in this order.

  1. Are you good, on your own, without the person.
    If so, it's a great step toward being great with someone else.
    If not you may want to let go and work on yourself. We really will not have good relationships until we're good on our own.
  2. If you are good without them, then are you better with them?
    If what you have with them does not add to your already solid self, then your reasons for being together are likely superficial.
  3. If the above 2 check out then, are their answers to the above two questions in line with yours?
    If they are not good without you, or if they are and they are not better with you, then the relationship will tilt to one side. A recipe for disaster later.

Often with our emotions heightened and potentially chaotic, from being in a relationship, we will not be able to simplify it quite like this. Or we may justify reasons to not listen to our own reason lol.


Run as you may! You cannot escape...the Almighty Bunghole!

Okay, can I just give you an Award for the Best Comments Ever!? :) @michaeldavid

Please do hun! :) I tried to hold back on that one lol

Big topic.

You rock @awarenessraiser!