Military Guide to Photographic Memory

in #tips7 years ago

Hi steemit i'm just going to share this trick i found on the internet, i'm just surfing in the internet and found this. I hope this will help you not today but maybe soon.



You'll need: A dark room, no distractions, a bright lamp and a piece of paper.

Sit somewhere with easy access to turn in your light without getting up. Get a piece of paper and cut a rectangular hole roughly the size of a standard book paragraph. Cover whatever you're trying to memorize with the paper and expose only one paragraph.

Turn off the light and let your eyes adjust to the dark. Then flip the light on for a split second then off again. When the imprints fades, flip the light on again for a split second, while staring af the material.

If you do this right, eventually you'll be able to see the paragraphs and read imprint on your mind (takes practice)

It's good for students whose going to have exams akd need to remember some paragraphs, formulas, notes etc.