The Sunday Crypto Recap - Down the Rabbit Hole 68

Bitcoin getting its own emoji on Twitter…now that’s a thing! Oh, and the market moved towards a confirmation of a change of trend (jury still out but close to a verdict). There was a palpable air of expectation throughout the cryptoverse last week - happily, BTC and friends delivered. Have we entered a time of marked appreciation on good news? - ICON (Chainlink partnership) and Ethereum (rumours of a transaction burn proposal) certainly indicate that may be the case. Nonetheless, don’t drink the social media Kool-Aid quite yet.
The DeFi market just crossed a billion in locked-in value…2020 will be a key year for this burgeoning crypto sector.
Picks of the Week
This podcast offering an overview of the DeFi sector and this video covering the same topic. Another highlight is the discussion of BTC’s monetary policy.
What medium of exchange will the kids of today choose as they enter their financial adolescence?
A dollar a day into BTC looks like this (recommended for context):
Do you have a sell plan for your BTC? (highly recommended):
Bitcoin is NOT priced in:
A visual representation of the performance of the high-cap cryptos for the month of January (highly recommended):
Crypto dominance inevitable?
$1 billion now locked in DeFi:
How to market yourself (non-crypto specific but highly recommended for content creators):
An excellent overview of the broad investment thesis for Bitcoin (highly recommended):
Four things to consider before buying BTC:
An increase in price may not lead to adoption:
Trust and blockchains - not as simple as it may at first seem (recommended):
Stablecoins playing a big role on the Ethereum network:
GenerEOS expands voter rewards:
Chintai makes a further DeFi play:
Liquid X up and running - interoperability just go that little bit easier (recommended):
SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce Proposes 3-Year Safe Harbor Period for Crypto Token Sales (highly recommended):
Blockchain and human rights (recommended):
A coherent explanation of Bitcoin’s monetary design/structure (highly recommended):

An overview of the current Decentralized Finance (DeFi) sector:
A break-down of this very informative/insightful analysis of the power/potential of Bitcoin - article linked in last week’s recap (highly recommended):
Vastly optimistic price prediction aside - informative roundup of the current state of the Ethereum network:
A brief discussion of recent developments for Bitcoin, Ethereum and Cardano
Colin on Alts/BTC:
Excellent overview of the DeFi space:
LiquidApps Offers a lot of interoperability to EOS sister chains and beyond:
EOS 2.0 and block producer upgrades bringing back reliability to the EOS network:
A healthy-looking partnership ecosystem developing around Chainlink:
Website / Utility
Another excellent crypto research website:
Perhaps all those articles, tweet-storms, and YouTube videos are about to pay-off in the coming months as they anchor you for the noisy/mania-filled space that crypto is about to become (again). As always, looking forward to your comments and suggestions.
Note on Sources:
Twitter & Reddit (cryptos current meta-brains) / Medium / Trybe / Hackernoon / Whaleshares / TIMM and so on/ YouTube / various podcasts and whatever else I stumble upon. The aim is a useful weekly aggregator of ideas rather than news. Though I try to keep the sources current – I’ll reference these articles and podcasts etc. as I encounter them – they may have been published just a couple of days ago or in some cases quite a bit earlier.