The Sunday Crypto Recap - Down the Rabbit Hole 62

The first recap of the year and what a week it's been. Not in terms of price developments but rather quality articles and crypto discussions/narratives. This recap contains only a small fraction of the great material to emerge this week as we launch into cryptos second decade.
Who really knows if 2020 will be a good year for crypto investors? It’s simply impossible to say with certainty. However, what does seem reasonable to assert is that this will be cryptos decade. The 2020s will see crypto projects move from development to mainstream application. Many, indeed most, will fail but the precious few that make the transition from promising tech to utilized product/service will be a very big deal indeed.
Oh, and Happy 11th Birthday Bitcoin.
Picks of the Week
Nic Carter on BTC is a great way to kick off your crypto-themed researched in 2020. This article exploring some of the messianic aspects of BTC is also a fascinating read. To round-off check out this piece by Bloomberg discussing China’s rollout of a state-sponsored crypto.
Some folks just want to pay attention:
So how did the top cryptos perform (in terms of price) in 2019?:
Looking at the BTC chart on a price and time log scale - very interesting patterns emerge (highly recommended)
An excellent roundup of Chainlink’s purpose and structure (highly recommended):
It’s early days for DEXs (recommended):
A dive into crypto governance:
China has big plans for crypto (highly recommended):
Great use humour to deflate the crypto women haters out there:
Useful guidelines before you put pen to paper (highly recommended if content creator):
As an investor strive for this:
Read this piece on BTC to get your crypto year off to the right start (highly recommended):
Most financial advisers are a long way from ‘up to date’ on Bitcoin (recommended):
An interesting thought experiment viewing BTC as a start-up (recommended):
BTC through the lens of religious revelation (highly recommended):
So what exactly is Defi? (highly recommended):
A light-hearted look at EOS in 2019 - highly entertaining/informative (recommended):
Gaming and crypto will be a thing:
End-to-End Decentralized Applications Democratize Data and Drive the Open-Source Movement Forward:
China is about to go full crypto - it’s going to change a lot more than you may think (highly recommended):
CZ on Binance in 2019 (recommended):
Ever heard of a ‘factor’? It might be a thing:
Meltem Demirors reflects on the first decade of BTC (recommended but skip to the 4-minute mark):

A review the Lightning Network in 2019:
The Crypto Lark looks to the decade ahead (food for thought but by no means investment-grade content):
DataDash explains why he is optimistic for the year ahead:
Investing with a Difference surveys the state of the EOS ecosystem and looks ahead to 2020:
Liquidity and trading:
This crypto thing is not catching on:
That’s a lot of traders on the wrong side of a trade (cough - leverage trading is not a good idea):
Website / Utility
A growing collection of thought-provoking articles on BTC:
Another crypto week behind us. An incredibly exciting year ahead. See you once again down this ever-deepening rabbit hole next week.
Note on Sources:
Twitter & Reddit (cryptos current meta-brains) / Medium / Trybe / Hackernoon / Whaleshares / TIMM and so on/ YouTube / various podcasts and whatever else I stumble upon. The aim is a useful weekly aggregator of ideas rather than news. Though I try to keep the sources current – I’ll reference these articles and podcasts etc. as I encounter them – they may have been published just a couple of days ago or in some cases quite a bit earlier.

Pro recap for the year-starting :) Thanks!
Happy New Year!