Fair & Honest Election Coverage

in #timeforachange9 years ago

Here are some more reasons why the MSM isn't showing us the Facts & Truth about HRC. I want the Main Stream Media to show us the facts & truth on all the candidates and not just selectively. They are supposed to be impartial but all I see whenever I put them on the TV, which is less & less because of things like this, I don't see impartial...I only see them pushing the candidates that they like. Whenever one of their candidates does something like withhold or destroy emails instead of turning them over to the FBI the MSM just glosses over it like it doesn't matter to us. How can anyone expect someone that lies their way into the Presidency to miraculously tell the truth once they are President? They seem to forget that the World gets their opinion of America by how the President acts. If the President is Dishonorable then We the People appear Dishonorable. If the President Lies then We the People are all Liars.

The Clinton Foundation is just the next thing for the MSM to overlook. I am no supporter of Trump but why is everything he does plastered all over the screen? When HRC does similar or worse the MSM just ignores it or twists it into something good or less bad.

Show us the Truth!!! Give us the Facts!!! But do it impartially!!! Don't cover up the lies the Nominees tell BUT report them on the News. Help get back the Honor that We the People are losing by having these people represent us. Don't fall to their level and lie But Stand Tall with the Truth!!!

All I want on Election day is a Fair & Honest election without the MSM trying to confuse us into voting for them. I'm going to vote for who I think will do the best job and Not for the Person that the MSM scares me into voting for. If Trump or HRC get elected then it's going to be tougher for me to go to sleep knowing that they are Our leader. I'm embarrassed to be an American right now. How can America help other Nations if we can't help ourselves? How can we even think about mediating other country's problems if we can't even fix our own? The best way to prove we are the greatest country is to BE the greatest the greatest country.

#timeforachange #honestelections #voterfraud #politics