Time Machine - A Dream for all !

in #time7 years ago (edited)


A time machine, as the name suggests is a machine which can manipulate time. Or in simple words, it can be said that a time machine can take a person back in the past or far away in the future.
Sounds Interesting!!

Yes, it would be so much better if we could just go back in time and rectify all our mistakes. For example, if someone fails in his exam, a time machine would be so helpful to take him back in the past during the time of his exams.
He would then just go and warn himself that “study properly otherwise I will probably fail in the exam”. It would be very funny and confusing for the person living in his past.

This is a very hypothetical situation considering how people would use a time machine if by some miracle, humans are successful in making one. There are always some pros and cons to a particular situation depending on how we deal with it.


It becomes necessary to consider how the person uses a time machine when given one. For example, suppose there is a guy named Tom and he has his SSC exams in the upcoming month. But instead of studying he is always playing and passing time doing everything except for studying.

Now, after his exams are done which were very difficult as he could not write anything in his answer paper, he gets his result. Tom has failed in his exams and now he has heavy regret about not studying for his exams.

He constantly thinks that he would do anything to go back in time to warn himself to study better and waste his time playing and what not. Suddenly if he is given a time machine to rectify his mistakes.

Now, Tom goes back in the past and warns himself, thus, altering the current situation and clearing his exams successfully. Now, tom knew that he had a time machine and he could alter any situation which would turn out to be unfruitful in the future.

This one chance was given to Tom and later, he began misusing it. Similarly, anyone in his situation would obviously use such an instrument inappropriately.

“IF I can travel back in time, I would change the history of
Indian Independence


It is a human tendency to use or rather over use any instrument which proves to be very helpful to them. A mobile phone, for example, when invented had some limited qualities and features but now a mobile phone has become an essential part of our lives like the “right hand” of that person.

Somewhere from the past few years, humans became used to or rather dependent on a mobile phone instead of it being only a wireless communication device.

Similarly, a time machine if ever invented will definitely have similar disadvantages. It will make the human race much more dependent on the machines and therefore, make humans lazy. People will definitely become dependent on the machine to rectify any mistakes if they do not get the desired result.

It can also be that a person can go in the future and see the result to different modes of operating (working) and to see if they are getting the desired result or not. This may be a hypothetical situation but still the consequences are very grave.
It would ruin the human behavioral and thinking patterns as humans would not think at all, would not take efforts and not develop and evolve.

The development of the human race would become stagnant and the misuse of the machine can be on a larger scale.
A time machine where a person can go in the past or the future at his own free will and this combination will become disastrous to the whole world.

Even if some would think that time machine could be used for the benefit of the mankind, how would it be useful to us if we are making ourselves lazy and somewhat greedy (for a better result) by using the machine.

It is after all human tendency to bring out our benefit from any situation may it be at the expense of some other’s loss.
Individual nations would use time machine however they want to gain power over each other financially, politically, geographically and by any other means they wish to. Such a machine if ever invented would be a huge blessing as well as the biggest curse to the mankind.


It is often said that we should learn from our or our ancestors’ mistakes. We often think that it would be so much better if we were given a chance to go back in time, we would definitely go and try to make the situation not only good but much better than it could have been.

This is true and there are many such historical accidents rather incidents which could have been improved but then we would not have been able to learn from their mistakes. In fact, some of our traditions and culture have been greatly influenced due to our history and to go back and change it seems like it would ruin our future.

Therefore, it is wise to say that instead of thinking what if I had a time machine and how I would have used it, it is better to learn from our mistakes in order to live a better life and have a bright future.