Time is valuable; Don't go farting around hoping to get 24.1hours in a day.
"Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, Albert Einstein, Dan Larimer, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs etc." - H. Jackson Brown.
The first time I saw this quote, (I had to edit and add some more names) I was sure the universe is not just a universe in the word of it, but also a thinking one.
Time is the most valuable yet most neglected commodity on planet earth. man has learnt to place far less value on time and more on frivolities that will lead no where. We are unnecessarily busy for the wrongest reasons known to man. We create time delay factors that helps us destroy ourselves.
Man foolishly tells himself he can put time on hold longer enough for him to exercise his stupidity only to come short every time.
- Hear me, there is no excuse for when you fail to take good advantage of your time. In Proverbs Charter 6, the Bible talked about how important time is and how we must be mindful not to waste it away sleeping.
I am pioneering a movement that will make a generation of greats come out stronger than we presently are and only time will be the rewarding factor for their work. They will be time keepers and able more to use the time as they have been handed.
Of African Time and those stupid Catch Phrases.
I am African and most importantly, a citizen of the world and before wrist watches and wall clocks, man told time with the rising and going down of the sun. Shadows had their usefulness and the dark had their shades.
It pains my heart to hear someone talk about utilizing the African time for when they have to do something.
Let me explain here: Follow me please-- African time is broken time. African time is not time, it is coming LATE instead of on time. It is the time unserious and lackadaisical persons live by.
African simply means a sluggard's time and sluggards are lazy people and lazy people are the problems of society and problems of society are criminals and criminals are not supposed to be a part of society. Need I say more???
The ideals of time states that, "we must make hay while yet the sun shines." Whoever goes around singing "African time and God's time is the best" is nothing more than a sluggard and should be taught the true reason for actually existing.
I hear people come up to tell you when you fail that "it is not your time" and then going into some very long epistle why and the admonish you to "wait for God's time."
Common, it is God's time every time, just make the best of it. Failure doesn't cancel time out.
Of TimeZones.
It may be different time zones and weather, but it is still 24 hours strong worldwide. It may be the Sahara desert or at the top of Everest, or even the bottom of the Atlantic ocean, it is still and will continually be 24hours.
What is your excuse? Do you think because some country or continent is ahead of time is reason why they are advanced? Sorry to burst your bubble, it isn't so dearest friend. You are the reason why your time is slow.
The world is Time-Zoned to help it function this beautifully, so stick to the program.
Of the Sands of Time.
No this is not some movies but.., you can try relate it to any movie that comes to mind where time was the subject matter. Time travel gets me every time and I sometime wish (hell, I am wishing now) I can go back in time to do some stuffs I failed to do.
The sand under your feet knows how to tell time and that is the reason why they are where they should be when they have to be.
Going back in time is a good thing it if ever does become possible, but having to truly get the effect of that experience will have a whole looping effect that will bring the world to its knees.
You cannot turn back the hands of time and that is in place for a very good reason.
Of Shadows.
Shadows tell time and they also are a good place for when you have to hide, hehehe.
Hiding in plain sight is one of those things I like to associate with the shadow aspect of a man's life.
I think, "do not go chasing shadows is a word...(or what am I saying?). It is a word for sure and i like that I have learnt not to go chasing it."
Use the shadow value of life and follow through to make sure it is what it is in your life, shadow-concealer of those things that needs not be seen just then.
Of Time Lapse.

This gets to me every time, and it should to you as well. We will age no matter what we do. You use tie well, you will age, you are a sluggard, you will even age faster and when you become the time keeper of your world, you age awesomely.
I like to be awesome and look forward to keep being awesome that is why I am learning to use my time well. You should do the same and see how well it fits.
Of the time that is NOW.
I want you to be time conscious and smart, because time is sneaky as it is timing. Time will play a fast one on you if you allow it to and whenever there is a good enough time for you to get ousted, it doesn't even have the "courtesy" to inform you.
Time just goes on being time.
Take a look at this instance:

What does it tell you? Someone will always be on time.
Pouring out our minds and energies into the utilities that make for greatest to find expressions through pain, joy, laughter, innovation and love will make the true essence of our God-given 24 hours count.
Be your own time keeper and learn not to be the other guy that makes the world dark and bleak for some innocent child being born into a world he has no idea exists.
Time is valuable and will always be.
Learn to appreciate the efforts as they are laid out for you to tow.
Do not go complaining you do not have time. Instead, complain you are not doing enough with the time you have been gifted.
Time is so precious. I just wrote about "Time" this morning.
The next year, the next day, the next hour are lying ready for you, as perfect, as unspoiled, as if you had never wasted or misapplied a single moment in all your life.
You can turn over a new leaf every hour if you choose. And if you can, imagine all the possibilities that there are, lying there, waiting for you.
indeed....time is gold :)
well said....."time is valuable"...totally agree with u :)
Time is what makes people think they are lazy or makes them to someone else. Although someone's time may be different from yours just make sure to use your time well.
Time is a verb(action) wordd. Some fools think of time as destiny, time and destiny are very different. Use your time well inorder not to spoil your destiny and future
We always create time for what we want. Time is the most important part of us, making good use of it determines the result we will show for it.
If if you fail to do what you ought to do now, you have double to do in the next minute, if this keep pilling up, it result in hard labour because you will have so many to do in just a little time time is left.
If one should learn how to work per time, their is no need to do the hard work in life.
Thank you sir, I'm blessed by this.
Like someone once said "time is life: how you use your time will determine what you'll get out of life". So u're very correct. Nobody has an excuse because we all have equal time: though conditions are different Sha.
It's a very good thing to be a time conscious
Time is money, in fact time time is everything
@ejemai, i hope to be in this movement. You spurred a great day. Thank you.
I love this, a typical African will understand "the African man time". And I also hate it when people say they'll wait for God's time even when they know they know they can change a whole lot with just a little effort. Great post @ejemai