Install a Tierion (TNT) Node under CentOS 7

in #tierion7 years ago (edited)

So you bought some Tierion and want to set up a Node to help the network. These instructions are for CentOS 7 (should work the same in RHEL).

So go to your favorite VPS provider, some examples are:

And set up a VPS (Virtual Private Server), as OS select CentOS 7. Minimum requirements for the VPS are:

  • 512MB RAM
  • 1 CPU Core
  • 20GB Hard Disk or SSD
  • Public IPv4 address

Once the OS (Operating System) is installed login as root to your shell:

yum update -y

Install Docker ( ):  

yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2 nano
cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
yum update -y
yum install docker-ce
# Install compose
yum install docker-compose -y
systemctl start docker 

Test your installation:

 docker run hello-world 

Within the response you should see the following text:
“Hello from Docker! This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.”

Create the user you will be running the Node with:

useradd USERNAME
# Set the user password
# Give the user access to docker without sudo
usermod -aG docker USERNAME

Now to install Chainpoint:

# Go to your user login
# At the home directory type
git clone
cd chainpoint-node
make build-config
nano .env

Look for the following at the end of the text file:

NODE_TNT_ADDRESS should have your MyEtherWallet address (public key), this is the address from where you will send your TNT to buy Credits

CHAINPOINT_NODE_PUBLIC_URI has to be set to your public IP or DNS, remember to start it with http://

Now to start the service

make up
# Now this will take some time...
# There is a private key you have to back up
docker-compose logs | grep "back me up"
# Write Down the key, do not loose it!

Your node is now running. There are a bunch of commands you can use:

# Start Node service
make up
# Stop Node service
make down
# Verify Node is running
make ps
# if the service is NOT up, it may be you forgot the "http://" in CHAINPOINT_NODE_PUBLIC_URI
# View Node Logs
make logs
# View how many (count) hashes have been sent
docker-compose logs | grep -c "Hash submitted to Core"

Now you still need to buy your credits, from your EtherWallet (MEW or other) with the same address that you used in NODE_TNT_ADDRESS you will send at least 54 TNT to a Tierion address. Review this link: (make sure you send TNT and not ETH, also use 36984 as Gas Limit)

To check if the Tierion Network got your funds you can use this link: (or change the address to the destination address you used).

To view your credits use any of the following links: