Thunder and lightning ....

in #thunder6 years ago (edited)

So one evening my brother and I were cleaning off some old shelves in the basement of our family home. The people who lived there had left all sorts of junk, and a few cool things behind, which became our property in the purchase of the house.

So we are cleaning in a mid-west stormy night. Thunder and lightning, some of the shelves had old canning projects on them and we tossed those out. So we moved over to the next shelf which was built into a small alcove so the length was short, but the shelf was deep. Cannot see the top shelf, but I can reach up there to get the junk.

So I reach up, and feel something, I can grab it by what I think is a built in handle. So I grab it as I hear the thunder, pull it out of the top shelf, and there I am holding a human skull with my fingers in the handle, the eye sockets.

Have a day filled with peace joy love and blessings....



is this for real John , if it is , it's like its out of horror film : /

It is a very real happening. I lived in that house from 1983-1989. That property never slept. Strange things and ghosts and demons for 6 years. Ghosts and demons are just 2 of the many things.

how interesting , I personally I have not experienced anything strange like that , I am always intrigued by peoples stories , you will have to tell me more when you have the time !

The trip down to Missouri and the infamous ghost house began before even leaving Chicago. The house had been purchased and we were just starting to pack up the boxes for the move. On the kitchen wall hanging on a cup hook was a Crucifix, the catholic cross with Jesus hanging on it. My dad and I were sitting at the kitchen table playing a game of chess, when all of the sudden the Crucifix jumped off the cup hook and landed on the floor with Jesus getting broken in the process. I had been totally against the move, and told my dad that this was a sign to not move, of course he did not listen.

I think on seeing that that I would have been wary too , did your dad experience anything as well ?

My dad would be another story here. Dad was bi-polar (before bi-polar was a word). So it is hard to tell what bothered him, or what he saw. Because as time went on, he just got worse and worse. With in 2 years from the move, he and mom would divorce and he would return to Chicago. He would not improve with the move. Once telling me that he was cured from the bi-polar, to which I explained that you do not get cured from bi-polar. That turned into a big argument with him and I in the 1990s.

Back to the house part, in those 2 years he would stay up all night walking around the yard and house, never doing anything but wandering. Waking us all up in the middle of the night, when he would see something, when we all had school and mom had work to get to early in the morning.

that is kind of weird behaviour , what did your mum think of it all , I have the impression is was a kind of strained atmosphere in that house

We really could not tell. He was going downhill before we left Chicago, and just got worse. After getting back to Chicago, nothing improved. I once had a chance to talk to his friend and former boss, Frank. Frank kept an I on him until he sold his business and retired. He was worried about my dad as well. I trusted Frank's opinion, I had known him since being a young boy when my dad originally worked for him.