30 Day #3StepsNoExcuses Challenge - Day 3

So here we are at Day 3 of our 3StepsNoExcuses Challenge.

Today we're going to learn about Facebook by following the Facebook training inside
Click Track Profit

Facebook may be sketchy at times, but there's no doubt... it's the BIG BOY when it comes to social media.

Next, we continue our email marketing training with ListNerds. Today, we're going to login and watch the the ListNerds training video.

Now, I'll be honest. I've never actually watched the overview training video until now. I was pleased at how informative it was for a 6 minute video. (There's actually a full set of training videos for ListNerds inside of ClickTrackProfit.)

Finally, in our Plus1Success training, it's all about taking risks. Taking big (calculated) risks is what being an entrepreneur is all about.

For me, one big risk was upgrading in many of the traffic sites and training platforms that I use. I used to try to do everything free, and always avoided putting money into my business as much as possible.

I would always ask myself:
What if paying for this upgrade isn't worth it?

What if I can't pay my monthly subscription?

What if I can't refer other paid members? (Which would essentially pay for the service via commissions).

And so many other doubting questions.

Regardless, I've made the decision to start putting a percentage of my job income into my business, and made a plan to eventually upgrade at all of the advertising sites I use (within reason, of course).

That's if for Day 3. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow for Day 4.