Why Steem feels like a Fresh Start

in #thought9 years ago

Why Steem feels like a Fresh Start

I've rarely been noticed for what I've done. I grew up the eldest of 6 and all my siblings had more friends than I. My parents noticed me only when I made some mistake or when I was needed to baby sit.

They produced an obedient child who was easy pickings for a higher authority and so for a while I became religious and obeyed the rules that I thought would bring me success.

Fortunately I finally rebelled in my 30's but I didn't really understand what I was rebelling against until my 40's. I am just finally learning how to think for my self and avoid the negative "Thought Leadership" (TL) that is so obvious to me now.

I see TL when I turn on the TV, when I open a newspaper, when I look at Social Media and even here on Steem. I'm not saying the TL is always negative or evil, only that it's everywhere and if I don't recognise it then I will be like a lamb to the slaughter for any TL that has evil intent.

I'm rarely on Facebook, I stopped using Tumblr, I'm getting tired of Twitter and the reason most Social Media stinks is because the TL is so obviously biased to glorify the political TL's and any discussion of negative TL is restricted by the TL.

I'm sure I will not be the first no one to arrive on Steem looking for some fresh TL that is actually interested in a positive aproach that rewards creativity regardless of whether or not it's aligns with the TL or is politically correct.

Heres to a former no ones first post on Steem, may it reward and continue as the first of many.

Jeza (Formally No One)

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