Synchronicity: Let Life Become Your Greatest Teacher
Life is easy for most of us to understand in reverse. How many times have you thought about an event in your life that happened to you days, months, or even years after it occurred and had an “ah-ha” moment? You truly came to understand that the event was a lesson and it taught you something incredibly important. My guess is most of us have experienced this.
What if I told you that this kind of thing is occurring in your life every day, in every moment but most of us are too distracted to realize? It's true, a majority of our life lessons slip by unnoticed but it doesn't have to be this way.
Have you heard of synchronicity? It’s a concept popularized in modern times by Carl Jung. Jung’s theory was our lives are a series of events, seemingly unrelated, that are what he coined as, “meaningful coincidences.”
It’s these meaningful coincidences that we begin to notice once our minds are uncluttered and our souls begin to settle into their natural state of rest.
When I find myself feeling lost or perplexed about something that happens in my life I’ve learned to always ask, “Why is this happening?” or “What is trying to happen here.” I’ve learned through my many years of meditation practice that this physical world is just like our schoolhouse and the events in life our greatest teacher. The universe we live in is an interactive web that is trying to teach us lessons contiuously in real time. Often the lessons are small and harmless. Sometimes, especially if we don’t learn them the first few attempts, they can become more harsh and life altering.
I’ve learned to view life as a theater production that is being performed for you specifically to learn from. I think William Shakespeare realized this when he wrote, “All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages…”Meditation sparks substantial shifts in your perception that open you up to subtler aspects of life. This process can greatly improve and deepen the quality of your time on this Earth. Once you begin to notice synchronicity and understand how it works it will show you that our reality isn’t some series of random events but rather meaningful coincidences. After a while you will come to understand that there’s either a lesson to learn or a lesson to teach others in nearly every moment.
One of the great secrets of life is, our physical three dimensional reality is providing us with guidance and support in real time, in every single moment of our lives. When you feel this and come to know it’s true it provides immeasurable freedom and comfort.Opening your heart and mind to the beautiful concept of synchronicity will change your life quickly. You will find your luck will seem to get better, you will enjoy more and suffer less, and will be “in the right place at the right time” more often than not. Life will just begin to feel easier and less stressful. Why is this? You will begin to understand the “why” of events that before seemed totally random and without meaning. You will no longer be swimming against the current of life but you will be traveling right along with it and it will propel you towards your destiny.
There’s one pitfall I caution you to avoid and that is overthinking. There is no need to overthink every moment of your life to understand how synchronicity works.Just start being present, staying centered in the current moment, and paying attention to the life events unfolding before you. In fact, overthinking will leave you lost in a mental maze, like a hall of mirrors that will make meaningful coincidences even more difficult to recognize.
Pay extra attention to moments that feel special or important to you, even if you can’t explain why. I’m talking about the moments in your life that give you goosebumps or make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Have you ever had a thought or an idea some upon you spontaneously that you simply can’t get out of your head? How about a moment where you suddenly feel extreme joy, comfort, or despair for no apparent particular reason? These moments are typically where the important lessons are to be found. Learn to listen to and trust your intuition during these times, most importantly, don’t ignore them.
You don’t need an authority figure or a spiritual intermediary to begin using synchronicity as a tool for your own personal development. You already possess all of the power you’ll ever need within you. The only thing required of you is to believe in the concept of meaningful occurrences and to be present in the moment and pay attention. If you do this your talent for noticing and deciphering will start to evolve. Meditation will allow you to master this much more quickly.
Lessons can even be found in our dreams. The lessons come to us often times through imagery and symbolism but we must use our intuition to decipher their true meaning. For this reason I recommend keeping a notebook near your bed and to write down any dreams you remember when you first wake up. If you don’t do this, the details of the dream quickly fade away and are lost forever.
We’ve all had moments where a song pops into our heads and then we hear it on the radio or television only a few minutes later. Sometimes we’ll be thinking of a friend and they’ll call us a short time later. There are times you’ll be watching a film or documentary and will feel as though it gives you the exact answers you have been seeking.
Once you become a true student of life and recognize the guidance and support life is providing, you will learn your life lessons much more quickly. Your evolution will begin to grow at a faster pace than you ever imagined. Why is this? Because your life will truly be, “in synch” with the universe.
After a while you will notice synchronicity almost all the time. You will begin to be able to co-create your own reality and the quality of your own life through your own intentions and expectations. If you expect to have good luck, this is exactly the kind of life you will start to attract. One thing you will learn quickly is if you expect that people will be accepting and loving, the chances are greater that they will be. I know it sounds overly simplistic but after you meditate for a while you will find it to be true.
The comfort and power that you feel when you become a student of life and learn the beautiful language of synchronicity is like nothing words can describe, it will change your life in ways you can't even comprehend.
I’ve been practicing meditation for over twenty years and actively teaching meditation for the past year. Meditation has completely transformed my life beyond my wildest expectations.
This article is an excerpt from my soon to be released book, “The Perfect Pause: Meditating Your Way to the Optimal You”, which will be available in September on in hardcopy and eBook format.
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Can't wait to see your book.
Thanks, I really wanted to write a practical guide to meditation full of tips that people could integrate their lives to improve their physical and mental health, success, efficiency, and overall quality of life. I can't wait for the launch.
Nice post! Good luck with the book
Thank you!
Good post! I like it! Good Luck To You!
Thank you!
Good read! May even check out your book in September! Good luck!
Thank you! I'm excited about the book, I've spent the past few months on it and it's nearly ready for the editor.
I love me some synchronicity. Was the topics to one of my first posts. So I may check out the book too.
Me too! It's fun when you start to recognize how it works!