The Grumpcat Attack Puppy Seems to Have A Hurt Nose -- Poor Bully Puppy

I got up this morning grateful to find the power still on. The ice storm has stepped up its intensity after losing power for four hours yesterday, I’m plenty grateful to power, heat and coffee.
I’m settled in with a fresh cup of coffee scanning through the overnight Ginabot notices and come across three notices of flags from @madpuppy. You’ll recall that @madpuppy is the attack dog for @grumpycat who seems to take delight in bullying minnows.
The Grump loves attacking small fry while upvoting himself and his attack puppy with 100% upvotes. @the-resistance has documented the amount he’s attacked others and how much he upvotes himself here and here.
An argument can be put forward that if the Grump and his puppy are hitting spammy posts and reclaiming funds for the reward pool, that upvoting himself is a reasonable offset to compensate for what he’s not making through upvoting good content. And he does actually hit some spam. Unfortunately, it is a very small minority of his attacks.
So What Happened This Time?
In an effort to find that out, I visited the Resistance’s discord as I suspected the flags had to do with my membership there.
Sure enough. The first I encounter is an exchange going on in the General channel where the Grump has access. I see something about him claiming that his comment has been flagged thus censoring him. He also says that if the flag is removed he might not attack again tomorrow.
He calls his brutal attacks on some as ‘taste of censor’. I call them being a bully.
Looking further into this comment claim I discovered this comment by @r351574nc3 flagged by @madpuppy several hours ago. The flag on the comment rendered that comment invisible. The comment was totally non-offensive and hardly rated a flag.
It looks like about five hours after @madpuppy flagged the comment, he then placed a comment containing only a period and upvoted it. The action triggered @the-resistance to flag that comment. Here’s the breakdown of the automated votes that triggered:

Seems that triggered the Grump to go off on another of his attack tangents that included three of my posts. None of those posts used bid bot votes. Here’s the breakdown of those attacks:

What The Grump Claims To Do:
The Grump has variously declared his goals to be:
- stopping bot abuse by forcing bot owners to not sell votes after 3.5 days
- fighting spam by downvoting it
If he’d been able to actually explain how bid votes after 3.5 days are bad the community might have been able to see that as more than him being the bully he shows himself to be.
Fighting spam by downvoting it could actually be a good thing. If that was what he was actually doing. He does do some of that. Sadly, very little of it.
What The Grump Does:
- attacks minnows who use bots non-compliant to his demands
- attacks minnows who use compliant bots
- attacks minnows who don’t use bots
- attacks minnows who exercise their freedom to belong to community groups
- whines that he’s being censored while censoring others (his words)
- attacks minnows he claims censor him with a sledgehammer to match their teaspoon tap
Did you notice the common theme there? Attacks minnows?
What is it that bullies do? They attack people they believe are weaker than themself. They act as the cowards they are.
What Seems to Have Happened Here?
It appears to me that the Grump hit a member of @the-resistance with a comment flag. When that didn’t get a responding flag from @the-resistance he managed to trigger the response through another comment. And it was an automated response, thus the effort.
So, the automated response hit him for a total of $1.53495 of which .017 came from me. This morning we’ve had a discussion about that automated response in the discord. I’m not going to reveal the outcome of that but I will say, decisions are not made without there being thoughtful discussion about the benefits to the community.
The Grump, who appears to lack the ability to have thoughtful anything, responded with a rampage that hit people for a total of $177.21. Not exactly a proportional response to anything.
Now, to be fair, there is a name that appears on that list that he hit that I checked out as it was not familiar. The person uses bots heavily but is not involved with @the-resistance. So adjusting for that amount, his response amounted to $123.74, still not even close to proportional to anything. This is just more bullying on his part.
My Response
As I have stated before, I will not back off to a bully. While none of the posts he attacked had used bots, that may change. Clearly the whole use of bots is nothing but a ruse on this bully’s part.
He knocked a total of $30+ off my posts this time in response to $0.017 hit from me that was automated. His attacks were not, they were deliberate and calculated. He calls it ‘taste of censor’, I call it bullying. A repeat of a similar attack he made ten days ago.
I have once again increased my delegation to @the-resistance by a small amount. I encourage others to join me in making small delegations to @the-resistance.
I could say that bullies should never prosper. However, he is prospering and hurting others while he’s doing so. Can he be stopped? Who knows? If zero attempt is made to some how counter him, it’s guaranteed he can’t be declawed.
It takes a special kind of small when a whale like the Grump feels the need to trigger an automated response, go pound a group of minnows and then claim he’s being censored.
I really think you can comfort your poor puppy’s little hurt nose @grumpycat without swinging a hammer. I don’t know, maybe you swung that hammer so hard you hit yourself in the head.

Until Next Time — Just Steem on

This right there is why you're full of shit and I stop reading.
I was about to upvote your post, it sounded like a properly worded intro but then went right into #theresistance victimized rhetoric.
Do you understand that for me to flag differently based on different size of account it would require a few click more at checking their wallet and back?
I'm much more lazy than you think but I'm not hurting whales more than minnows.
I just took away $7 from your comment. Don't forget to call the censorship office to whine about it.
Oh you forgot I only have problem with flagging to hide? ... of course, it's @drakos again.
That's your only problem? 😏
You are a deranged psychopath is what you are. As if you're gonna upvote a post that talks trash on you.
Damn right you're not hurting whales more than minnows. Take a look around you cuntbag, the world is full of poor people. That's who you're hurting when you attack people who even by your own admission play by your rules (i.e. not upvote a post on day 6 just before payout). You're a scumbag and we would be better off it you went back to @berniesanders to take turns sucking each other's dick and leave us normal people alone.
@seekanddestroy is on the @abusereports blacklist for being a bad Steemian! Bad spammer, bad!
the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.
synonyms: blackmail, shakedown; formalexaction
"arrested on a charge of extortion"
that about sums it up for sure
Hi, i got a negative vote from grumpy cus use your bot, can you do something? I always use your bot, but with this, i don't have a lot of steems, I lost like 1/3 of all my steems. I hope you can help me.
Taking one of the biggest downvote form Grumpy, you keep on resisting where most of the people would retreat...
You keep raising your voice despite you know you would be hit again...
You inspire us with your courage.
Thank you.
I am sorry this is happening, I cannot understand what motivates people to exude negative energy.
I agree @fishyculture
We got your back.
LOL! Good one!!
I don't know, I think it would be a better idea to create a bot that takes people's delegation to downvote GC or to upvote victims, instead of collecting down-votes with posting keys from lots of minnows.
As a minnow, I really can't afford a 100% downvote from GC, yesterday I just got another -$10 on my post because I used the bot and put a flag on GC's comment... I have to say it's frustrating.
To be honest, @the-resistance and the downvote bot can barely affect GrumpyCat, I think it would be a better idea to use those SP to help victims.
This post has been featured in Issue 28 of The Magnificent Seven, The GrumpyCat Edition.
Thank you for doing your part to make steemit a better place.
Trust me, I'm a doctor.
Upvoting you now and going to organise to delegate some SP to the-resistance bot !
Long live #thealliance.