The Reef - Community Index [001#]
What is The Reef?
The Reef will be a definitive index of all members and associated communities within the @BuddyUp discord. If you would like to be added then join the @BuddyUp discord and add your short blog description to our #thereef channel. To join the discord you will find a link in our SafeLink Post here
The Reef will keep growing and be posted at the start of every week, at the end of the week the best posts from all active members featured in The Reef will be featured in The Reef Author Showcase. To remain in The Reef Index post the only requirements thus far will be to be active on steem and utilizing the discord specifically the #curateapost channel.
Any feedback is welcome and you may tag me @penderis with any recommendations or questions.


I created an online course called Steem Markdown that helps people format their posts.
Member Profiles

I wrote a story exclusively for Steemit and am doing a collaboration on bringing it some new life. Stop by and say hi!

I also provide proofreading and editing services for writers looking to make sure their work is flawless for 1 SBD per article.
I mostly write our everyday candid life stories through Dear Ulog. I write what is on ky heart..Also, I love taking memories through photography with my ducks! 🦆🦆🦆

Typical genre I write is fantasy, with some sci-fi elements.

In my spare time, I am a SteemPeer in The Welcome Wagon.

I believe in the strength of community so individuals can grow.

I am always pre-occupied with thoughts of human potential and the greater good - choosing to believe that our greatest moments are within our ability to be ourselves and our own individual gifts and talents.

😊 Wishing you a wonderful day.

Two of my actual book projects are published at my blog as well - The first is the true story about the search for my family and the second is a science fiction novel named "Eratus". Born in Germany but living in the world.

For now, though it's great to be here and I'm looking forward to diving in and getting to know everyone. ❤️

Additionally, I'm the creator of Red Radio, #FreedomFriday, and #MedicineCardMonday so if you are interested in receiving Native American Medicine stop by my blog every Monday to say hello!
Community Profiles



"A rising tide lifts all boats; if one of us rises, we all rise - like family." - @bluefinstudios

Original Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash
thanks for doing this @penderis - what a great idea!!!!!
i might have to borrow it for WW hehehehe
mmmm it was our idea :) but probably cal's
What a wonderful idea @penderis!!! Thank you so much for creating this!!!