A little Distraction

Helen @hopehuggs in one of her posts, asked us to take up the challenge of using an APP called https://www.themostdangerouswritingapp.com/write.html

I completed the task and this is what I wrote below using a think out loud writing methodology

.... I am a very distracted person and sometimes my mind wanders a lot in the wrong direction and then I have to gather my thoughts and focus focus..... oh where was I, yes, focus on the smaller things in life that the bigger things only distract us from.

With the advent of smart technologies, these OTHER distractions are even worse.. As we flick through channels on our TV's or scroll through movies on Netflix or keep clicking on more and more YouTube videos that show up the side... and then Suddenly its 2am or 3am and you start to PANIC as you know you have to get up in the morning and you know you have managed to ruin yet another nights sleep and will suffer in the morning and drag your sleepy body through yet another day.

I wonder out loud to myself sometimes whats it all about why am I so distracted and easily distracted by these other silly and insignificant things that crowd out my life. Maybe I am looking for a distraction, maybe I am looking for these little annoying disc