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RE: Introducing Sargon's first class of users

aaaah so happy to be on board :D heres hoping that we all can work together to bring people across steemit to more success!!! and in turn, hoping that our efforts will assure the future success of the blockchain as a whole :>

looking forward to getting to know all of you <3

and thank you tcpolymath arranging for this incredible initiative <3


That's exactly how I feel! Really great to be in this together!

yaaaay \o/ new friends to work with \o/

Yaayy!! :D

Very glad to see you, I haved needed to find another art curator, I run into so many artist on my steemit travels, and the only "Art Curator" type I had found was artzone, so it is great to have another I can refer to for help on art and art questions. I look forward to reviewing your pages, I love eye candy, (as in art of all forms, painting pictures, and sculptures and more).

Congratulations @bashadow! This is so awesome :)

Fyi, I know that @c-squared also does art curation and has a spot in their discord room specifically for art posts.

Thank you, and I have them on my list also now.

You are so welcome @bashadow! You'll enjoy what you find there I think 😂

Very happy to meet you here, also @bashadow ! I would love to hear your experiences about art, and would love to learn from you on other matters as well :>

Is that your doggo in your avatar? I love doggos * ___ *

Yep, that's my little granite, he's a chihuahua, really small guy. I hit the introduceyourself tag pretty regularly, (even though it is a mess), and a lot of the times I like to let people know of a few tags if they mention specific interest in their post or where they can go to get help if they run into trouble. For visual arts outside of photography I only knew of the one curator. Now I know a few more to help people out with.

send my hugs to your lil granite <3 i have a pomeranian ! they are also a small doggo type :>

oh! yes i also advice new comers of what tag to use to help them out, specially if they are artists :>

very nice to work with you~

Check out @solar as well. He doesn't get attention because he doesn't post but he's out there curating art like mad.

Thank you, I have them followed now.

Thank you for the name drop, tc <3 All the underappreciated steemians needs more love and i love appreciating~ :D :D :D