The Magic Story #5 Day 7

It's me again...
The Magic Frog
The Magic Frog
The Pot full of Gold:

$ 0.01
Once upon a time...
Long ago, in a kingdom far away, lived a jester named Kyle who is tired of well... being a jester. As such he took his adventurer father's old and rusty sword—and embark on a journey—determined to become a famous adventurer.
(by @riovanes)
But making his name known across the land is not easy. Therefore he needed to feat that would amaze everyone who would hear it. "A group of goblins are causing trouble in a certain village? Sounds like a job for a hero like me!" Kyle declared and...
(by @yuki-nee)
...took the said goblin extermination quest. Tap! "I'll be taking this quest," Kyle said as he presented the request form to the guild receptionist. "Goblin extermination quest is it? Please wait a moment," the receptionist then stamped the form.
(by @riovanes)
Kyle traveled to the village for half a day. Upon arrival the first thing he did was asked for information about the goblins. The village chief told him that the goblins often appear at night to raid their storehouse and steal chickens.
(by @chadrona)
Having gotten all the information he needed, Kyle started making plans. First he needed to make traps. Fortunately, being a former jester he had the honor of meeting people in all sort of life, including trappers and hunters. As such it's time to...
(by @riovanes)
...find the weak spot of the local goblins (this being the first secret rule of goblin hunting). In order to find it, he needed to spy on them. Yes, patience was required.
(by @science.fiction)
To be continued!
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