The wife got a quote from a mover.

To move our furniture to the new house we are buying with Steem.
The next day someone from the same company called her on the phone.
He gave here a NEW quote. $180 an hour for three men, EACH. Four hour minimium.
Travel time extra...and a fuel surcharge added to that.
We don't have very much stuff.
We live in a small two bedroom apartment
He wanted $800 minimum to move it TEN MILES.
I don't THINK so.
We could buy NEW Furniture for that.
We might do that very thing.
Our furniture is over forty years old.
It might be nice to have something that looks nice.
(delivery is free)
They are just taking advantage , just buy new ones
Congratulations! @everittdmickey

Have a garage sale!! Old people love old furniture!! ;)
we live in an apartment...kinda hard to have garage sales.
Lol akward....;)
That's ridiculous. My grandmother's brother died 10 years ago and she had his stuff shipped from Boston to Florida and I don't think it cost that much.
A crazy price. It might be time for Varagesale or Kijiji or something like that.
(delivery is free) not always when buying new furniture, Texas is being kalifornicated, every thing gets charged fro now it seems. Even sears in calif, charged for delivery and set up, it was a small fee ten bucks I think, but still another fee.
Wow. That seems wildly expensive!
The only thing we've paid movers for is the grand piano; I think it was about $300. Of course, we've had to move it six times. If only I'd been born 20 years later I'd have gone digital from the start.
Moving so much has made me into a minimalist. The only stuff I need to take with me next time fits in a hatchback. The rest will either be sold or given away.
The wife and I have been discussing it.
We're seriously considering 'give away' the old stuff.
There are people who'd jump at the chance to come get it for free.
the only thing I was a bit concerned about was the's HEAVY...
THEN...there's always amazon if the local furniture stores are too expensive.
Is there a Salvation Army or other thrift store nearby? The one in our town has amazing furniture. The couches are around $40.
THAT's cheap.
a lot of thrift stores will come take away your old crap too if it is in decent condition. people will have a yard sale and call the salvation army truck ahead of time so it arrives after their yard sale and then whatever they don't sell they donate without having to haul their junk back into the house.
Is that expensive in your country too?! Wow!! The world is really going to unpleasant direction...
I think the term we're looking for is 'price gouging'
Congratulations on the new home!
Forty-years old might be considered 'antique' to collectors...but, for the most part, a new house...sounds like a good time for a new look...Of course, the Mrs. has the final say on that
Btw, Salvation Army picks up for free.
Praises to God for the blessing of your new home; and, putting STEEM to great use!
there is an app called TAKL that has some pretty cheap prices for such things. I went furniture shopping the other day, the problem is everything is crap now. Whatever couches you buy now won't be around in 40 years.