THE DIARY GAME 22-08-2020.Conflit breaker token

in #thediarygame5 years ago (edited)

resolvinconflit4 copy.png

We all have an internal struggle of some sorts, some unsolvable dilemmas, daily unbalanced voices around us.

But just imagine an incredibly obvious solution, well not at first, and is not formula replicable for any other kind of dilemma, you were not expecting that I hope?
But you could only use it once, what could be?
Well for starters this solution would not be some kind of money, drug, time travel or even success, it most likely would be a kind of internal work, design to respond to a difficult situation. Think about it ? resolving a problem a major problem that solves all the other problem. The task is simple even with incompetence, get rid of those artificial problems in our lafes.

This is my image of that situation in my head, to struggle with obvious, reasoning with the

the blindness of superego.