THE DIARY GAME : Sunday, August 2nd 2020: My Sunday Story

in #thediarygame5 years ago

Dear Steem Diary,

Today was a Sunday and it was a beautiful and rewarding one. It was beautiful and rewarding because, I joined a host of many others in church to fellowship and worship God. I sang, I danced and I learnt. As shown in my picture below, I concentrated a great deal while in the service today.


I wake up very early on Sundays and today was not an exception. I do so because I'm a worker in my local church here in Nigeria and as a worker, it's necessary that I get to church early and set things in place before other members arrive.

So today, I woke up at about 5:10am and then, I went for a morning jogging and other exercises so as to keep fit and stay healthy. I jogged for about 34mins and I covered a distance of about 400metres.


After the jogging, I did some floor exercises like sit ups, press ups, stretching and a lot of other exercises. This took an extra 35 minutes of my Sunday morning. I got exhausted and famished after doing all these so, I retired home.


On reaching home, I took my shower (a hot bath precisely) and then prepared something very light and delicious to have as breakfast. I cooked jollof rice with fried egg. I made sure I ate to my fill. Having eaten, I dressed up in a corporate dress, wore my black cover shoes and left for church.

I had to board a taxi because the distance from my house to the worship center is a bit far and also, I didn't want to sweat so, I didn't trek. I saw several people also rushing to meet up with time.


On reaching church, I was asked to moderate the service which I did and we dismissed in time. The service lasted for only two and a half hours. We had the following sessions: Sunday school, introit, message, prayers session etc.

The service started at exactly 8:00am and closed at about 10:30am. After closure of church, I returned home, refreshed my body, took some food and then rested. While resting, I went online, read some news on the internet, read a story book and then took a nap.


Later in the evening, I watched the replay of how Arsenal thrashed Chelsea to win the Emirates FA Cup trophy. Then, I took my night shower, ate dinner. The last thing I'll be doing this Sunday is submitting this post and then I'll retire to bed.

A rewarding and exciting Sunday it was.