in #thediarygame4 years ago

Hello people I am back with my another diary. Hope you all are doing good and are in good health? So starting off with my today's diary I woke up early in the morning. After waking up I immediately got fresh and left for a walk today I had walk in my locality itself. There were some more people of my locality with them I started to do jogging😂.

Jogging area

The picture which I am sharing with you all is jogging. As you can see my area is all surrounded with green trees all around. This is the best thing of my locality. When I came home after 30 minutes then I took my bath.
I want to see my mother she was busy planting to new flower plants I am sharing the picture with you all have a look to the new plants.



New tiny plants

These are very beautiful.

I went to the kitchen I made Maggi as I was willing to eat Maggi today. Have a look to my Maggi😅😛.

After having Maggi for my breakfast I want to play some music as I needed some more refreshment. Then I went on to study I studied for few hours and after completing my studies I went on to help my mother in kitchen stuffs.

I watched the utensils which can cleaned while she was busy making lunch for us.
After completing my kitchen stuffs she gave to me lunch to eat today I had chapati instead of rice.
After taking my lunch I went on to sleep when the evening when I woke up. I went to meet my neighbourhood friend then we both went to the terrace we had a long chit chat among ourselves.
.Then i went to terrace for evening clicks....and there we played for while with my little ones..

Evening view

This is how my evening time passed out then I went home I watch some shows on T.V.
Then my mother told me to study so I went to my room and I studied. When dinner got prepared she called me. I had tasty masala paneer for my dinner with rice and some onions. I love eating paneer.

After taking my dinner I went to my room I watched my daily Pakistani drama and after watching that I went on to write my today's diary and share with you all.
Thanks to the reader
Take care ❤
Good night