The Diary Game : 14/09/2020

in #thediarygame5 years ago

Hey Guys! What's up?
Are you enjoying this daily diary game?
I am enjoying a lot this diary game.

I woke up too early in the morning at 4:30 AM. Then , I went on running with my friend . We did running for about 20-25 minutes. After that , We went to a nearby park and did some exercise there in the park.

We were very tired after that. Then , We took rest. We talked a lot after that. I also clicked a picture of that park which was looking so good in this morning.

Here is the photo of that park .


Then , I returned to my home at 7 AM. Then , I took some rest and let down on bed. I brushed my teeths at 8 AM and then took a cup of tea with some buiscits.

Then , I used my mobile phone for about 45-60 minutes. I checked all messages on my WhatsApp. I used Instagram for a while.

Then , I took my breakfast at 10 AM. Then , My Friend called me . He said me to play pubg with him.

Then , I started playing pubg. I played many matches. Suddenly , A team challenged my team to do a battle room with that team.

There were 4 members in the opponent team. I called my teammates. But Only 3 teammates along with me come in the battle room . Then we played 3v4 battle against that team.

In the end of the battle , We lost that match. Actually , We were only 3 . And we were playing against 4 members team. I did my best. But I lost by Score 35-40.

I played many matches in pubg mobile game. I played pubg till 2 PM. Then , I took shower.

After that , I took a lecture of Chemistry From YouTube source from channel named Physics Wallah. I think This YouTube channel lectures are much better than our online classes.

Actually , My maths coaching is also started from today. So , I prepared for that. My friend came to my home at 4:30 PM. Then , We went to our another Friend's home and picked him up.

When returning from coaching , I went to a shop with my friends.

Then , We were feeling very hungry. Actually , We were 4 Friends. We all were feeling Hungry. Then, We decided to eat something.

We went to a chicken shop and order 4 egg chicken roll. We ate them and really those egg chicken roll were very yummy. After that , We brought cold drink bottle and drank them. Then , We felt happy.

I also clicked some photos on that chicken shop.



I returned to my home at 7 PM. Then , I watched Television for a while. I watched Television till 8 PM.

I took my dinner at 8 PM. After dinner , I messaged my friends to open pubg mobile game. Then , We played pubg.

We played many matches in pubg. Today's matches were not so good. I played pubg till 11 PM.

Then , I used Whatsapp , Instagram for a while. I watched some gameplay videos on YouTube. I listened some songs and then came here for writing Diary.
