The Diary Game : 13/09/2020

in #thediarygame5 years ago

Hello my all Steemians friends. How are you all?

As per the daily basis , I woke up today at early in the morning at 5 AM as because my friend came to my home at 5 AM. I told hime to come to my home at 4:30 AM. But He came late today.

Then , We did running for about 25-30 minutes. After running , We did some exercise. After doing some exercise , We took rest for a while.

After that , We played Kabaddi in our nearby park. And It was so much fun. We made a lot of fun while playing kabaddi. I enjoyed a lot in the morning with my friends.

I returned to my home at 7 AM. Then , I brushed my teeths and then took a cup of tea. After that , I used my phone for some minutes. Then , I did some works of my home like bringing something from outside.

I listened many songs in the morning. Actually , I love listening songs in the morning. My mind become fresh after listening some songs. Mostly , I listen only English songs nowadays. I listened many songs in the morning like On my way , Cradles , Sugar & Brownies , Derniere , Faded and many more.

After that , I started using my phone in the morning. I used Whatsapp , Instagram and Facebook in the morning. Today , The result of 10th class is going to be declared at 12:30 PM.

Actually , My younger brother's result is going to be declared. So , I was also waiting for his result.
I watched Television for some hours in the morning.

I watched Television after that. Then , I was feeling sleepy in the afternoon. I slept till 6 PM. Today , I slept a lot. I slept in the day more than 4 hours. It was more than night.

After Woking up at 6 PM , I took a cup of tea with some buiscits. Then I felt freshed. Then , I watched Television. I checked my messages on WhatsApp , used Instagram for a while. I took my dinner at 8 PM.

After that , I started playing Pubg game. I messaged my friends to open pubg mobile game. I played very well today. My all games were good. I won continuously 3 matches. It was a big achievement for me.

Here is the screenshot in which I won 3 matches continuously.


I played a match in which I performed my best. I am on ace tier. I killed 12 enemies and did chicken dinner in that match. That match was great. I performed very well in that match.
Here is the screenshot of that match.


I played pubg till 11 PM. Then , I used Whatsapp, Instagram for about 15 minutes. Then , I watched some facts videos on YouTube.
Here is the pic of the channel from which I have watched many facts videos in the night.


After that , I listened some of my favourite songs. And then , I came here for writing diary.
