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RE: The diary game - 01/08/2020 - First entry

in #thediarygame5 years ago

Hi @akshansh123

Your diary post is really good. My friends also love playing PUBG all the time. I was a PRO player in Counter-Strike 1.6 few years back and I use to play online for entire day with my all college friends.

I laughed after reading this line "कुछ माँ के मुह से गालियां खाई 😅😅😅 PUBG ही खेलते रहना बेटा तुम".

You can also add tag "india" so that steemit team can easy identify the country.

और 4-5 लाइन या पैराग्राफ के बाद कुछ अंतराल जोड़ें ताकि यह बेहतर दिखेगा।

Thank you, my friend. Have a great day!