The Diary Game | 05/05/2021 | MY NEW TOY MADE MY DAY!
Hey there steemians, to be honest I forgot to write diary for 04/05 hahaha because it's been too much time when I was away from here I literally forgot it. Today was a busy day for me I just got home and I wanted to start today's diary. I had to wake up early due to the futures positions I opened on Binance last night, and today I could only slept for 3 hours. Finding my positions in good shape when I woke up in the morning made me start my day energetically I skipped breakfast and went straight to the office and we prepared today's orders with my brother.

Let me talk briefly about what I do as business, we produce silicone molds and as using these molds people make candles, flowerpots, concrete objects. Since we have been waiting for the raw materials we ordered from China for the last 10 days, the orders had accumulated by customers a lot, we started to finish them gradually today. After a busy schedule, I met with my friends and while drinking coffee we talked about our summer plan then I came home and opened another positions on futures as Bitcoin continued to pump again and I closed my yesterday's positions with nice profit.

I have been on a strict diet for the last 1 week, I have gained some weight due to intense work pace and sleep irregularity because I am living unhealthy and with the sunny days (it gives me positive energy) I decided that I need to put this intense pace in order and I started a diet, it will be very good for me if I can also adjust my sleep schedule. Before I start writing this blog I made the salad for myself you see on the right and I'm eating it while writing this post. In the first weeks, I take very few calories to acclimate my body, in the coming weeks I will gradually increase the amount of calories I take daily.
I noticed that I woke up tired in the mornings because of the very dry air while sleeping at night, so I ordered a steam machine yesterday and I went to sleep at night by turning it on, I woke up in the morning really more comfortable and well slept, this made me to start the day better. You can see the video of the device on the left, it's really nice invention it moisturizes the room and provides a spacious atmosphere I strongly advice you to buy it for yourself.
I talked about our work, today we printed different models on 3D printer in order to increase the variety and we put them on sale. They got attracted attention and purchased by the customers from the first day that made me happy. By the way It is not good to write a diary in the middle of the day it is usually written before going to bed at night but after writing this article, I will have to work on my other stuffs, so I started writing my diary early.
Let me talk about the things I will do later today, I will check the telegram group in the project I work and I will communicate with the authorities to negotiate with other valuable projects, I guess it will take 3-4 hours, then I want to watch a series and go to bed early to wake up early actually I want to do it regularly like I mentioned above, I hope I can succeed that!
That's all for today, I hope I don't forget my diary tomorrow like yesterday I did hahahaha ;D. I really missed this place, it is one of the first platforms I started to meet with blockchain and improved myself on this area and it is a very important channel for me, it gives me pleasure to be here again. BYE!