The Diary Game: A Fulfilled Day: [ 10/08/2024]

in #thediarygame7 months ago
A very happy evening to you all, I hope you all had a very wonderful day today, well I believe everyone had a nice time today at one point or the other🤗. So normally, I go to work from mondays to Saturdays, so today was just an off day so I decided to make a very good use of it. I haven't had time to do a lot of things at home being that I work from morning till night, and it's usually very stressful, so I decided to make good use of today.

Being today is an off day from work, I slept past the normal time that I'm supposed to be up from bed. So when I finally woke up, I first did some cleaning, I fetched water and took out all the clothes that needed laundry and was not done , damn it😬the clothes were much. And I didn't have a choice but to do laundry, I still had to go to the salon to make my hair, and also I needed to make food, you see🤷, a lot really had to be done.

doing laundry

So after I did the laundry, I went to the market to get some food items to cook, so I started my way to the market because it's quite far from my place. So when I got back from the market, the appointment I had booked with the stylist was almost time. So I decided to quickly rush to prepare everything and made the food. So I wasn't able to eat at home, I had to pack my food and then I went to the salon. So when I got to the salon, the stylist was already busy, so I decided to help myself by eating my food( I was really hungry 😋😋) I combined the food with pepsi soft drink.

enjoying my meal

So after I had finished my meal, I took a little time to rest being that she was not still done with the other client of hers. So shortly after, she was done, and she started with my hair. Actually I wanted to retouch the hair, and I don't just retouch my hair anywhere, so I had to take the stress of going to her office. So after everything she started with the retouching

in the salon retouching my hair

So after I was done retouching my hair, it was already time for choir rehearsals, as soon I was done with my hair, I headed straight to church which became the most important part of today for me🤗🤗, I love going to church, and I was just enjoying myself , being able to make it to church made my day a fulfilled one, and I'm really grateful to God for that.

during rehearsals

And after rehearsals, I went straight home, and fixed myself dinner. Yea, it's really been a day. Thank you all for staying with me, remember to always be you in everything you do, and don't stop believing... God still answers prayers.

Thanks For Staying With Me