The Diary Game: A Beautiful Wednesday: [ 07/08/2024]

in #thediarygame7 months ago
Hello everyone @steemit, happy evening to you all. I hope you all had an amazing day, well mine was beautiful. The thing about today very special to me, and I'll be telling you in a bit.

So this morning, I woke up quite early as usual and after I said my morning prayers, I started off with my morning chores. I had said I was going to make food so I could take to work, so I wouldn't have to spend extra cash to buy food outside. So today, I prepared jellof rice with egg. After I got everything I needed for the food, I started the cooking.

So after I was done cooking, I had to pack my food pack, so I could do lunch instead since I didn't have enough time left to eat at home. When I was done, I had to go freshen up. After I was all done with everything, I left for work. As usual, tasks for the day were assigned to everyone, and yes I was also given mine, and I started working. Soon after, it was lunch break, the way I hurried to get my food and eat eh😁, you'd think I hadn't eaten since last night, yea you get the point, I was really hungry.

So I also sent for smoove soft drink to combine with my rice I made in the morning 😋

lunch is yummy

So I enjoyed myself alongside others who were also eating at that time. So after eating, I went back to my task that afternoon. The thing is... I had so much to do, plus because of the energy my colleagues came with, it made work today worth while. Fast forward till to evening. The work was getting lesser, at around 8:30pm, I had rounded up my task. Yes, it was stressful, but then it was a happy day.

closing from work

So after work, I had to pack up my things and sign out from the office as well, and that was done shortly after I had finished packing my things. On getting to the house, I got the biggest suprise... We haven't had light in like forever 🥹 and today when I got home, I saw NEPA light. I couldn't help but just smile. We have not had light in the area I stay for almost 7 months now and all along I've been using solar inverter to power my house and today I came back to see light. It was really a wonderful sight . Right now, I'm just enjoying this light like this o😂.

Thank you all for staying with me, I hope you all enjoyed your day as I did. Your humble reviews are welcome. Remember to always stay happy and never stop smiling, you look so much better when you smile 😊.

Thanks For Reading ❤️


You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

What a wonderful Wednesday you had! I'm so glad you enjoyed your day, from cooking a delicious meal to having a productive day at work and even getting a surprise visit from NEPA light at home. Your positivity is infectious, and I love how you ended your post with a reminder to always stay happy and smile.🥰💕😊

Thank you so much @creative.streams, you review is top notch and I love how you put your words in a bid to commend, I hope you to have an amazing day, and also stay positive and remember, don't stop being happy 😍