EcoDesigns Weekly Meeting and Steemit Blog Reactivation

in #thediarygame5 years ago


July 01,2020 remains a very important day for the trainees and trainers of @ecodesigns as we all reflected about the quality and impact of our work for the past six months, as well as strategized and created a textile recycling and fashion designing blueprint for the next six months of the year. The weekly meeting started at 02:00PM and was attended by 4 trainees (Kelly, Portia, Sandrine and Bime), the communication officer for @thegreens, Ninge Priscilla, 01 Director of training (Mrs Justine Akisah) and @mr-greens, The Greens Founder/Executive Director.


Mrs Justine Akisah, Director of Training of ecoDesigns


Portia, trainee of @ecodesigns

Sandrine, trainee of @ecodesigns

Presided over by @mr-greens and lasting 02 hours, the following resolutions were arrived at;

  1. 04 Trainees will be graduated in December 2020

  2. Daily work report must be submitted by all trainees and trainers to the Communication Officer who will compile the report and publish it on Steem.

  3. Trainees per training session will be limited to a maximum of 07 and all trainees must sign the training agreement.

  4. All trainees are tasked to draw one design every month, produce a cost estimate for the production of the design and submit the design and cost estimate to the Communication Officer who will immediate disburse funds for them to acquire items required for the production of their design. The designs will be sewn and presented during our monthly meetings and must always meet professional standards.

  5. All trainees are tasked to always upcycle at least 1.5metre squared of textile offcuts into Pieces Fabric as well as upcycle 08 pounds of textile waste into diverse textile upcycyled products such as dolls, pillows, etc. The 1.5 meters squared and 08 pounds of textile waste upcycled will be used to sew at least one textile upcycled garment and make at least two pillows every week.

  6. Daily reports of @ecodesigns must always include the number of persons who visited the hub, the number of garments sewn, the quantity of textile waste produced and the quantity of textile waste upcycled. Daily reports will be justified by photos.

  7. EcoDesigns working hours shall henceforth be from 07:00AM to 07:00PM and no working at the center after closure,

  8. All trainees must be at work every Tuesday to Saturday and will effectively communicate with their training Directors in case of any absence.

  9. Create a facebook and instagram blogs for EcoDesigns.

  10. Reactivate the @ecodesigns #steemit blog, start marketing @ecodesigns products on Steemit, and participate in the #thediarygame of @steemitblog.

The next meeting was scheduled for Friday 08 July 2020 at 03:00OM.



As I understood you are doing textile recycling right? It's happy to see your team is getting increasing. Good luck!

Service to people and the planet has always been my passion and i will give my greatest efforts, sweat and bleed just to continue to educate and empower women and girls via @ecodesigns. Looking forward to your #DiaryGame entries.

craft hub society is global . a brilliant thing.