THE DIARY GAME : 06/08/2020 : I Witnessed A Wonderful Evening.
I hope you're having a great day.
Sometimes we see things that we want to keep the way it is.
The almighty Allah gave us a lot of things, a lot of beautiful things actually and Beauty of nature is the biggest beautiful thing among all others.
I'm saying all these cause I'm a lover, a nature lover, a lover of all these gifts.
Sometimes when I capture a photo of a place or a thing which is really beautiful, I wish I could hold it like that for a long time but we don't have that power.
Yesterday, I've seen a beautiful evening and the evening was beautiful to me because of a beautiful scene.
I slept for the whole day like a dead man and got up late from the bed.
Then I had my lunch late, took the shower late, and left the place late as we had an invitation to my uncle's place who is @sajibibon84.
When I left my place... it was almost evening.
The sun was going down, the darkness seemed to be woken up and killing the daylight.
Yeah, my wife was with me also.
I normally like to capture photos cause this is the one thing that can remember us about that time which can kind of saves that time in the timeline.
We always use face mask and carry hand sanitizer when we go outside in this era of corona epidemic.
The condition is getting worse, I think and still we're roaming around and meeting relatives.
What do you think? I'm being careless about that?
I don't think so.
I'm trying my best to keep us safe from the virus but staying home all day can't be the solution, yeah it can stop spreading the virus but it's not killing the virus.
I think staying home makes the situation worse so I'm not staying home anymore.
If not for corona... we might die anytime without any reason, so why not meeting our loved ones, our relatives while we still can?
Well... I'm walking in another lane I guess.
Let's come to the point.

Image Credit: Bitmoji
I was talking about the beauty that I could capture after climbing a five-storied building.
When I reached my uncle's place, I looked outside and saw a glimpse of a wonderful color of the sky.
I rushed to the top of that building grabbing a younger cousin.
My cousin was too scared to be on top of that building although it was not scary for me at all.
As I've seen a beauty which I wished to see from a nice view and I had the chance so why wouldn't I do that?
Wanna see the beauty?
This is the beauty that I was talking about.
I captured some photos from different directions/views and I think this is the best one.
Here's a panorama shot.
What do you about this beauty?
See? I didn't bluff about it.
This is a beauty that I love a lot.
I even claimed the top of a mosque to capture something like this and I think some of you witnessed it too through one of my posts.
After capturing this moment... I went inside with a happy soul, ate dinner, and went to sleep.
Well, not to sleep... I couldn't sleep actually as I can't sleep before morning nowadays.
The day ended like this.