1000 DAYS OF STEEM— THE DIARY GAME : 01/09/2020 A busy day

in #thediarygame5 years ago (edited)

Assalamu alaiqum.
How are you all ?
I am fine with your prayers.
Today is the first day of my diary game and my friend @merajalisdp brought me to this game.

It has been raining since this morning. I woke up in the morning at my mother's call. I was very busy today and I'm very tired. Work is going on the 2nd floor of our house.
So in the evening to supervise the mechanics all day. I was wetting a little rain today the time was really great.

Like every day In the evening I go to my brother's chamber. After seeing patient me and my brother went to the market to buy the door of the bathrooms of the 2nd floor. Different types of doors are now available. Even a few days ago these were not. How fast the world is changing.

Currently due to Covit 19 all schools and colleges in the country are closed. My younger sister's online class is gonig on but they have given a lot of homework.
Which is very difficult to finish in 1/2 day. So I am doing some of her homework. There are still a lot of writings left i will write something today and tomorrow. She has to submit it on 3 September.
I won't write today, As much as there is left I'll finish tomorrow. Because I'm so tired today.


I have an aquarium, this is one of my hobbies. I fed the fish a little earlier. It feels good to spend time with them. I think everyone needs to have some hobby. Which gives us peace of mind. Let me know if you have such a hobby.


Now I lay down, There is light air outside I think it will rain again. It is very nice weather for sleeping.

Ah ! the day was really busy.
Now sleep, Good night everyone.