Ready for #TheDiaryGame with Red Squad [ESP/ENG]

in #thedairygame5 years ago (edited)


Desing made by me in Photoshop.

¡Hola a todos! Me llamo Oriana, pero también puede decirme Cronos por si se les olvida luego 😅 jeje.

Soy baterista, estudié música en la universidad. Llevo 7 años tocando mi instrumento y también se tocar un poco de guitarra, bajo y piano, pero lo básico. He participado tanto en bandas de formatos pequeños como en orquestas con más de 30 músicos. También soy profesora de batería desde hace ya tres años, le he dado clases a niños desde 6 años hasta a adultos de 40 años, lo cual ha sido de gran experiencia para mí a nivel profesional.

Hello, everybody! My name is Oriana, but you can also call me Cronos in case you forget later 😅 hehe.

I'm a drummer, I studied music at the university. I've been playing my instrument for 7 years now, and I can also play a little guitar, bass, and piano, but the basics. I have participated in small format bands as well as in orchestras with more than 30 musicians. I have also been a drum teacher for three years now, I have taught children from 6 years old to adults of 40 years old, which has been a great experience for me at a professional level.



La música es un pilar fundamental para mí, no solo porque la practico en mi día a día sino porque me ha ayudado en procesos emocionales difíciles. Hay canciones que son un consuelo para mi alma y eso hace que conecte mucho con este arte. No se extrañen que de vez en cuando romantice una canción que haya escuchado, pero es que hay canciones que me llegan mucho, me sorprenden y me dan aliento para seguir echándole ganas a la vida.

Music is a fundamental pillar for me, not only because I practice it in my daily life but also because it has helped me in difficult emotional processes. There are songs that bring comfort to my soul and that makes me connect a lot with this art. No wonder that sometimes I romanticize a song that I have heard, but there are songs that touch me a lot, surprise me and give me encouragement to continue throwing strength at life.

Además de esto me gusta mucho la fotografía, por lo cual me mantengo tomando y editando fotos constantemente. A su vez, con el inicio de la pandemia comencé a usar Photoshop y me encuentro aprendiendo a hacer collage digitales y análogos, lo cual es mi más reciente hobbie.

Besides this I love photography, so I keep taking and editing pictures constantly. At the same time, with the beginning of the pandemic, I started using Photoshop and I find myself learning to make digital as well as analog collages, which is my latest hobby.



Honestamente no considero que mí día a día sea el más interesante de todos 🤷🏻‍♀️, salgo muy poco por obvias razones 😅, pero como me mantengo haciendo actividades artísticas diferentes compartiré con ustedes mi proceso creativo, avances y resultados 🎨 . También es probable que parte de mis emociones volátiles terminen abriéndose paso en mis diarios, así que no se sorprendan, soy una montaña rusa algunas veces 🎢

Esta es la primera vez en muchos años que voy a escribir un diario de manera constante, suelo escribir en un diario físico pero no todos los días religiosamente, así que esta será mi primer diario rutinario en mucho tiempo ¡A ver qué pasa! 👁👁

Honestly, I don't consider my day to day life the most interesting at all 🤷🏻‍♀️, I go out very rarely for obvious reasons 😅, but as I keep doing different artistic activities I will share with you my creative process, advances, and results 🎨. It is also very probable that some of my volatile emotions will end up making their way into my journals, so don't be surprised, I am a rollercoaster sometimes 🎢

This is the first time in many years that I am going to write in a constant way, I usually write in a physical diary but not every day religiously, so this will be my first routine diary in a long time. Let's see what happens! 👁👁


🔥 Me anuncio como parte de @redsquad, el team del las flamas pues ¡somos fuego puro! Y venimos con todo 🔥

Un gusto y buena vibra ✨

🔥 I announced myself as part of the @redsquad, the team of the flames because we are a fire! And we come with everything 🔥

Nice to meet you and good vibes ✨


⚡️ Hey ⚡️
Tambien puedes seguirme en mis redes


Dear @cronosclocks

APPICS is the easiest way to share pictures & videos on the blockchain and get rewarded with both STEEM and APX tokens! 📱

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¡Pura calidad de exportación este equipo nuestro!
Votada, comentada y rebloggeada.

Claro que yaaaas! Gracias ami. ¡Activos en la pista!

Dear @cronosclocks

APPICS is the easiest way to share pictures & videos on the blockchain and get rewarded with both STEEM and APX tokens! 📱

I'd like to invite you to join our mobile apps for iOS and Android, where you can simply login with your steemit account and start getting rewarded for your passion. APPICS is the most engaged dApp in the STEEM ecosystem!

If you are on iOS, please visit and download the app directly from there. If you are on Android, please sign up at with your google play store email address so that we can invite you and send you an exclusive download link via email!


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Dear @cronosclocks

APPICS is the easiest way to share pictures & videos on the blockchain and get rewarded with both STEEM and APX tokens! 📱

I'd like to invite you to join our mobile apps for iOS and Android, where you can simply login with your steemit account and start getting rewarded for your passion. APPICS is the most engaged dApp in the STEEM ecosystem!

If you are on iOS, please visit and download the app directly from there. If you are on Android, please sign up at with your google play store email address so that we can invite you and send you an exclusive download link via email!


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Dear @cronosclocks

APPICS is the easiest way to share pictures & videos on the blockchain and get rewarded with both STEEM and APX tokens! 📱

I'd like to invite you to join our mobile apps for iOS and Android, where you can simply login with your steemit account and start getting rewarded for your passion. APPICS is the most engaged dApp in the STEEM ecosystem!

If you are on iOS, please visit and download the app directly from there. If you are on Android, please sign up at with your google play store email address so that we can invite you and send you an exclusive download link via email!


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Dear @cronosclocks

APPICS is the easiest way to share pictures & videos on the blockchain and get rewarded with both STEEM and APX tokens! 📱

I'd like to invite you to join our mobile apps for iOS and Android, where you can simply login with your steemit account and start getting rewarded for your passion. APPICS is the most engaged dApp in the STEEM ecosystem!

If you are on iOS, please visit and download the app directly from there. If you are on Android, please sign up at with your google play store email address so that we can invite you and send you an exclusive download link via email!


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