The Color Purple -By Walker

The novel is written by Alice Walker in 1982. The Color Purple is explained in a very epistolary style by using 90 different letters that are written by the characters. In the year 1983, this book won Pulitzer Prize for fiction and also National Book Award for fiction. After many years in 1985, this was adapted into a very cclaimed film that is directed by Steven Spielberg and is nominated for the Eleven Academy Awards.

Story of this novel focus on the life of a young girl, Celie who was living with her physically abusive father. Her father married Celie to a man who was called Mister. She also endures the same torture from him that her father does. But Mister was seeing a woman, Shug Avery who was a jazz singer and also an outspoken proponent of the rights of women.

After meeting Celie with Shug, she knew that she was attracted to Shug and they both come into a relationship. Both girls ran together to Tennessee and Celie start their own successful fashion business. This novel contains more things about the concept of the life of girls what they face and how she overcomes it. Read More