Rising Stars - SE

in #thealliance7 years ago (edited)

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Rising Stars

This is a periodical edition with no weekly or monthly demanded schedule. I'm writing it because I think these individuals deserve some pats on the backs and a little extra recognition. The way I see it, the former syndicated members - though still family - are new to the rest of the family. They are all newer members in that sense and as such, qualify to be 'Rising Stars'. I put the ones I selected in alphabetical order according to their usernames, so without further adieu, let me honor family members:

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Like several of the other newer members here, she was asked to step up and fill some empty shoes. She currently assists #thealliance in the classroom by helping to mold inexperienced bloggers and also encourage them to strive for better. Her postings are marvelous too. She has a 'Women Taking Leaps' series she does with influential women OUTSIDE of Steemit. Do stop in and pay her a visit, she deserves it :)
Women Taking LeapsLady Ink?

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Though new to #thealliance, she is no stranger to the riptides and undertows of the Steemit seas. A very astute young woman, she dips her toes in many waters. One can often find her testing new apps for Steemit and even throwing out some poetry. She currently assists us in the office, filtering through applications and helping us decide where people should go as to help mold them to our 'society'.
Self AffirmationsThe Serpent

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I love this guy's sense of humor. It's not defined as one style either and, he is all over the Steemit map commenting on everything while supporting our fam. Trust him, he's a doctor. Bwahahahaha! He and his wife, @enchantedspirit, are responsible for multiple curation efforts out here too. The one he puts out is a collaboration of both of their Steemit travels and always has some fine posts within. Check them out!
The Magnificent 7 #25The Magnificent 7 #24

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This guy here, he caught our eye immediately. We are grateful he has made Steemit a home and resides within #thealliance walls. Why? He takes his time going through people's posts, actually reading them, and will leave valuable relevant comments. Knowing that, he has been given a special assignment to assist our officers on the playground to help guide our kids on how to 'play nice'. And yes, he is all about coffee :P
Sublime SundayFine Food Show

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This young man is another rising star. He has very clean informative posts and puts a lot of effort into them. I asked him to come assist the Latino Ladies of #thealliance - @sol25 & @leyargoz - to help out the Spanish speaking people's across the schoolyard. Out the gate, he took to Steemit and is helping people on and offline. Props my brother!
Enchula Tu Post - TutorialRopavejero educativo

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She has really come into her own the past few weeks. Her Cedar Lakes Adventures are a big hit and she has been bouncing around on everybody's posts. She is a super sweet supportive family member and we love having you here. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that you feel comfortable with us now. You are really starting to show the potential we saw when we brought you in. Kudos!
Cedar Lakes Adventure #5Story of My Love

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This is my Princess Kat-Leia (yes, a Star Wars reference bwaha!). She has taken to Steemit very well and along with @ameliabartlett, has been asked to fill some big shoes in the classroom. She has been doing superb too, we couldn't have picked better lovable people. Aside from being a Yogi, she also puts out some very thoughtful poetry and like the vast majority of our fam, engages with a high level of excellence on Steemit.
Give Time No ThoughtLove My Steemit Friends

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Of all the people on this list, he is the only one I have had the pleasure of personally talking to, one on one, on a straight up phone call. Which, I would do for anyone, if the timing was right and he just had good timing that day. He's a light-hearted multi-talented guy and since he is a great photographer and musician, his writing skills often get overlooked. He was brought here by the venerable @shadowspub and I think he'll be here with the family for the marathon.
For The Life of MeTurning a Corner

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Give Them A Pat on the Back!

Or maybe a backrub because I know my back tends to get a little stiff sometimes out here. These are the ones I have chosen this week or month or whatever the case may be. Heck, may do another one tomorrow! We have so many brilliant talented people coming through, I could probably write one of these a day for the next year and not list them all as they just keep coming!

Thank You

I also want to thank all of you for being so loyal and supportive. ***BIG FAMILY HUG*** It's hard to gauge what #thealliance is all about until you're actually there and feel it. I think they do. I also hope you guys know that I and the rest of the fam really appreciate you.

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From the desk of...

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Epic work, you couldn't wish to meet any finer people then the one's mentioned in this post (well that @c0ff33a dude is a bit sketchy but all the rest are solid gold). Although I have to say the @thealliance follow list has so many more amazing and upstanding content creators to enjoy. As I slowly work my way through it I keep finding new and interesting content to enjoy - which is of course very much what the Steemit experience is about.

Ya, that @c0ff33a guy is kinda off...too much caffeine maybe lol! So happy you came on board my man. You leave a positive impact every where you go.

Awww... And there I was thinking You were the gold that was shining the most.... Don't know what to say but... 🦄💨 feel that? 😂😂😂lol
No you are amazing my friend and such a great heart. 🤗

@syndicates, you know its said the gratitude opens the door to more relationships.

i love the way you appreciate all these folks, i sure going to check them out and follow them.

The proof of being unselfish is when you take out time to appreciate others.

Well thank you, thoughtful of you to take time and notice and even more so, to go give these fab fam members of ours some of your time.

I'm glowing reading this. 💖 I love being Princess Kat-Leia. It makes me giddy like a little girl getting her dream. 😊 Thank you for caring about each of us as individuals, for highlighting so many members in the Eyes On, Featured, and Rising Stars posts, and for creating the Alliance.

I'm grateful to be part of this family and to contribute to its evolution. You're all amazing and I'm glad to call you my friends!!!

May the Force be with us.

via giphy.com

I've been called a mad scientist at times. You said something there that Wenzday up there noticed too.

contribute to its evolution.

More than you know. Not entirely sure what you believe aesthetically being a Yogi, but I believe in the law of equivalent exchange. I figure, if I continue to give enough of myself and show people the good feelings you get by practicing the same pay-it-forward attitude, what gets rewarded and returned will be that much sweeter.

YES! Actually, what comes to mind is Ayni, a Quechua word that means "reciprocity." In addition to yoga, I've studied many other traditions, including Peruvian Incan Shamanism, which is where this concept/word comes from. I like a lot of ideas from this shamanistic cosmology. Part of Ayni is feeding the earth, or giving back to that which sustains us. I feel like this is what you're doing, what each of us is doing in the Alliance and in other supportive ways on Steemit.

Yoga, of course, works with the concept of karma, which speaks to the consequences of our actions: positive and negative, short term and over lifetimes. But yoga also has the concept of lila, which is divine play. Serendipity. Which makes me think of the ways our paths snake through life to cross with specific people and bring us into specific events.

This comment is getting too deep. But that tends to happen with me, so there you go. lol! ;)

Oi mush, are you saying I'm flaky, inconsistent? Call a man friend and he maligns you in public.

Trust me, I'm an upset doctor.


It's that dander and I think you have some litter stuck on your feet or something.

@enchantedspirit is still asleep, today being Saturday. So I haven't been brushed yet. And that's not litter. I never have litter on my feet. That's ink from the inkwell.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


😂😂😂hahaha Yupp!! Tuff life docta!

What a great surprise. Thank you very much for those pats , they have my support to continue making our family a place of complete harmony and quality.

Sure thing buddy! Glad you found us and decided to become part of the family tree :)

Wow! What an honor, thank you for including me in this list among so many talented and dedicated writers. It’s been my greatest Steemit experience to be a part of #thealliance and I am always floored when we can work together. The Classroom is fantastic and I can’t wait to meet more new bloggers and help shape the future of Steemit!

Earned and deserved sweets.

help shape the future of Steemit!

That's exactly what you're doing. We're assisting and shaping what Steemit is and will be. Have you read my initial witness post about education? Remind me on discord if you haven't so I can pull a paragraph out for ya.

I have... but I've also read nine million other Steemit posts this month so I'm going to remind you for that excerpt anyway! 😁

Seriously though:

There are 4 really top notch discord groups that I'm aware of and part of. The STEEM Engine is, of course, the best, but as a founding member I would probably say that even if it wasn't. The Alliance is one of the other three, along with steemusa and Isle of Wright. Fine people in all of them. And good pickings when we are looking for posts for our curation initiatives.

It is an honour to be recognised in this publication because it means I must be doing something right and far more valuable than my scintillating personality alone.

I would not be in this post at all were it not for @enchantedspirit. She was the curator for a now-defunct group. (Will you please be our curator? It should only take you about 20 minutes a day.) She had an idea one day. (I hate when that happens. It almost always means more work for the Weasel.) "Why don't we start our own curation posts?" Okay, thought I. She'll do all the work while I wander around commenting and upvoting. I'm good at that.

I'm actually so good at this curation lark that I now do most of the selection and commenting, and the artwork, thus freeing up 20 minutes for @enchantedspirit to start another venture. BTW, I don't want you to think I do all the work. Assembling these puppies is hard work, man.

So thank you very much, Rebecca, for making me famous.

Trust me, I'm still a doctor in solidarity.


Okay, thought I. She'll do all the work while I wander around commenting and upvoting.

Don't think for one single minute I don't know this is exactly how it happened. Not for one single minute.

You're welcome for me making you famous. (Gives me a little time to do something I actually care about, because then I don't have to constantly ride herd on you.) You're also welcome for the extra 10 points I've added to your rep since I got the idea for you to do this curation thingie as a way to actually put some content on your blog once in a while -- rather than wait for "inspiration to strike." Inspiration avoids you even more rigorously than I do. I can't say I blame it.

(BTW ... for those who have the slightest doubt, "wandering around" is something @catweasel counts as a "talent." Which is why I have to constantly chase him.)

lol! You two are fabulous. ((hugs))

It has been a real honor and a lot of fun getting to know new people and be a part of #thealliance.

Best Rising Stars, they are all incredible #thealliance amazing family

Nice! A good group of new family! I've been familiarizing myself with a few already!

I love this post and the calling out of fabulous people that go above and beyond. This is where Steemit seems to bring, such wonderful people to meet, through their posts. you really get to know who and what they stand for....

That and you guys never sleep LOLLL