100 DAYS OF STEEM : Day 37 - Steem Tools
We were delighted to see today the launch of SteemScan.com.
This is a great new Steem blockchain explorer from @futureshock.
It has been very encouraging over the last few weeks to see a number of witnesses and developers move forward with the development of a range of tools and apps to help people use the Steem blockchain more effectively.
To ensure Steemians know about all these tools we are keen to compile an up to date and comprehensive list of what is available.
What Tools and Apps are Available
The tools we know of currently include…
SteemWorld.org from @steemchiller
Steem Account Registration and a whole range of tools from @justyy at https://steemyy.com/list-of-tools.php
MimeeBot from @futureshock / @future.witness
RuPaBot from @steem-supporter
Are there any other useful tools that we have missed?
Please do post in the comments below any others you know of.
What other Tools and Apps do we need?
There are some tools and apps that are no longer operating on Steem.
Are there any that we particularly need to replace?
Please post in the comments any you think are a priority to get working again.
We can then explore ways to get replacements developed.
Thank you,
The Steemit Team
Notes from the Community...
Steem Witness Forum - Sunday May 10th
@greenhouseradio is organising another Steem Witness Forum on Sunday.
The main topic of the forum will be Abuse on the blockchain, picking up on the 100 Days post about this a few days ago.
We strongly encourage all witnesses to attend and participate in the forum...
Contests and Challenges on Steem
The @steemingcurators team set up by @ciska and @cryptokannon has compiled a useful list of contests and challenges currently running on Steem...
World of Animals Video Contest
@xpilar has extended the closing date for round 2 of the ‘World of Animals’ video competition.
The contest has a total prize pool of 2000 STEEM...
An easy to use app to post and permanently save videos directly in one's blog would be very useful.
Apps like 3SPEAK, DTube and DLive are not operating on the STEEM blockchain anymore.
That's also my Opinion. Greetings Michael
Bummer, I thought dblog loved steem.
Where is the correlation between my comment about needed video apps and dblog?
I thought dblog was a steemit exclusive app, your comment made me realize it wasn't.
Hello, Steemcoinpan team (one of steeem community) developed free STEEM sign-up tool with google login. It is similar with the tool @justyy made.
That looks useful. Have many people signed up with this system already?
Thank you
The Steemit Team
90-100 people signed up with this system.
Thank you!
That is very good.
Thank you
I will try to join in wiht https://steemcoinpan.com ...
The best tool for steem, is simply to move to hive.
It is clear that Ned Scott and Eli Powell enjoy underdeveloped penis-which is why they chose China.
These look interesting. Are you still developing them? And do you have links for each of them?
Thank you
The Steemit Team
Yes, they are constantly updating.
And links are here :
Great, thank you
I think we need calculator for steem-sbd debt ratio.
http://steemreports.com/steem-sbd-info/ is shutdown.

I added the projected debt ratio to the Market Info tab on SteemWorld:
I wonder if any Steem developers would like to pick this one up?
Maybe @steemchiller could add it to Steemworld.org, or perhaps @justyy could add it to his tools?
Thank you
The Steemit Team
Sure, I can add it to the Market Info tab. There is currently only the capped debt ratio being displayed, but I could add the real ratio in the empty space on the right.
Will see what I can do ;)
That will be good, thank you.
I think it is a good idea.
Greetings Michael
That's sounds pretty easy. Maybe I'll have something like that made today.
Hey @steemcurator01 ,
Hindi translation is ready for Indian community now reaching more people with resteem of @alokkumar121 & @rajan1995
Link:- 100 दिन STEEM : दिन 37 - Steem Tools
Thank you
If the tool is useful, I think it should be replaced.
If you should miss any useful tool, just let us know ;)
Ok. Thank's.
Please make an editor and our Steemworld is more perfect.
I would like to point out @platuro, a programmer / developer who is currently working on a publisher for Steem / Hive. Here you don't need any knowledge of Markdown to create a contribution and can immediately publish your contribution on one or both chains.
The programmer was also involved in the game Next Colony and has already programmed several smaller or larger tools as a study for Steem. He also brings out a VR game that he has designed, developed and programmed completely on his own in the near future. This however on Steam and not on Steem.
Also if a little more air and time is a witness node for Steem is put on.
By the way, he is my son :)
Here you can download a version of the dPublisher for all operating systems
🥰 Yeah that´s a nice tool, I stated it already on the first day of offering it to the community, it´s a quick and handy tool way better than others less complicated and easy to use, even for guy´s who yet not haven´t found their domicile (Steem, or HIVE). I guess we need more of this handy Tools like this,maybe with some more Features but hey developing needs some time 😉
Looks good. Is your son going to continue developing it for Steem?
Thank you
The Steemit Team
Hello, i'm the developer of this application.
Yes, i will continue the development of dPublisher soon.
Thank you!
That will be great. Keep us informed of progress.
Thank you
The Steemit Team
It is a very nice Tool. I used it too and it is helpfull and many features will come soon.
Best Regards Michael
Mimeebot está aquí
thanks for the mention
A clear resteem :-)
Thank you