
Thank you for thinking of us! My husband Michael and I have been involved in Uganda for over 3 years. You can read our whole story of how it all came about here:

We usually collect money and buy small solar systems so that people can get light in their houses. Since there has been a lockdown because of Corona for weeks and people have problems getting food, we helped as much as possible.
In the past two months we have collected approx. 5000, - € and were able to give food to well over 1000 people.
The Steemit / Hive community also contributed to this. I would also like to mention the new chary token from @achimmertens, which works well.
We would like to thank you all once again for your support!

Here are a few links:

It sounds like you are doing good work.

It is also a lot of work....🙂

Very good, dear @michelangelo3! When I read this announcement from @steemitblog, I immediately thought of Elli and Michael and wanted to write a little introduction.

Their project "We bring light" is such a great commitment for the poor people in Uganda. It's admirable how uncomplicated the @elkezaksek team is to get food for the starving people instead of solar panels because of Corona!

Please, Elli (@elkezaksek), with all your enthusiasm, introduce yourself again (also your Facebook page) at this point - you can do it much better than I can!

Good luck and lots of warm greetings,

Lieben Dank, daß ihr an uns denkt! Mein Mann Michael und ich engagieren uns seit über 3 Jahren in Uganda. Unsere ganze Geschichte, wie das alles entstand, könnt ihr hier nachlesen:

Normalerweise sammeln wir Geld und kaufen dafür kleine Solar-Anlagen, damit die Menschen dort Licht in ihre Häuser bekommen. Da es wegen Corona dort auch seit Wochen einen Lockdown gibt und die Menschen Probleme haben, sich mit Lebensmitteln zu versorgen, haben wir geholfen, so gut es ging.
Wir haben in den letzten zwei Monaten ca. 5000,-€ gesammelt und somit weit über 1000 Menschen Lebensmittel geben können.
Auch die Steemit-/Hive- Community hat dazu beigetragen. Erwähnen möchte ich auch den neuen Chary-Token von @achimmertens, welcher gut funktioniert.
Wir möchten euch allen nochmals herzlich für eure Unterstützung danken!

Hier noch ein paar Links:

P.S. @chriddi : 😘 😘 😘

Thank you, we will take a look.