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RE: 100 DAYS OF STEEM : Day 22 - Friday Roundup & Friday Follows #3

in #the100daysofsteem5 years ago (edited)

Actually, I think the concept of HIVE is rather fascinating and at least in theory comes closer to real decentralization than most other projects. In your position I would focus on improving HIVE instead of squabbling with people who decided to stay with STEEM (also these persons have their reasons). The best way to convince anybody is to show how good HIVE works.

I am happy to be part of HIVE, but that doesn't mean to close my eyes when it comes to certain facts, for example that many (most?) of its 'top witnesses' and 'leaders' are either early miners, former bidbot owners or their friends. Being an early miner doesn't automatically imply to be a "bad" person but we should be aware of that when discussing the 'decentralization' of HIVE.
This is getting even worse by the fact that quite some big accounts on HIVE don't spread their votes among many different people but support a few friends only.

From the point of view of a 'small, average' user who just want to post and is happy to earn some money (just read for example the comment of @cryptokannon) currently STEEM with its different challenges and projects like the one of @knitrias could actually be the better option. We may regret that but when talking about "mass adoption" at the same time we are talking about the typical faceboook user who just doesn't care much about politics, censorship resistance, decentralization and blockchain technology.
He also doesn't care about the past and the wars between millionaires who are fighting with each other.

In my eyes there could be two different niches for STEEM and HIVE. STEEM could appeal to users who just want to socialize, post (also casual stuff) and earn some money. It also focuses the Asian market. HIVE could be the choice for crypto enthusiasts, idealists, open source developers and the platform of many fascinating dApps.

That's why I suggest you to focus on making HIVE better and better while others try to improve STEEM. I would like to see a coexistence of and a peaceful competition between HIVE and STEEM (that's what the big majority of 'normal' users who haven't grown up in a secret witness slack prefer). :-)


In these times when many more social platforms based on the blockchain technology are growing fast is pointless to keep the absurd war between these two. We can't avoid the fact that the majority of the users have an account in both, lets encourage everyone to post wherever they want. Nobody has the thruth and less in the situation that we live in the conflict that result in the fork!!
Thank you very much for your mention and support for @Knitrias!! I'm just hoping to enjoy and learn a lot of things with all the Members!!
Best wishes, @Jaki01!!

In my eyes there could be two different niches for STEEM and HIVE. STEEM could appeal to users who just want to socialize, post (also casual stuff) and earn some money. It also focuses the Asian market. HIVE could be the choice for crypto enthusiasts, idealists, open source developers and the platform of many fascinating dApps

I think you're right about that. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and observation with us.

Too much navel-gazing - if people ony used half the time they tell each other how great Steem/Hive/whatever is for using said blockchain, showing why, showing what you can do there...