Follow the ICE rules, how to successfully run a public relations conference

in #the7 years ago (edited)

Many outsiders think the conference is just a few hours, nothing is terrible. Yes, "smelly and long" conference is not a good public relations, a good event just a short moment to make you astonishing life, such as Steve Jobs volley light take it easy; Some people think the conference is a very magical thing, especially the fashion The release of luxury goods, dazzling, dazzling, is what kind of come and go hand in hand so full of rain?

In fact, the conference is neither simple nor mysterious. Whether it is the Internet's "Xiaomi Style" or the luxury "Chanel Style," here, I summarize an "ICE" rule for you. Just grasp the key elements, even if Is a zero-based, you can also make a "big run" excellent conference.

▌ conference ICE rules

In order to hold a conference, we need to start from Idea Idea Idea, Communication Communication, and Event Execution. Now, let's start with an article:

►IDEA: is the soul of the conference

A good conference must not only be "high-end atmosphere on the grade," the key is to focus on and highlight the "core theme," left a deep impression. Otherwise, even if noisy, then extravagant, will become the passing clouds, resulting in the most taboo "out of focus" phenomenon.

If the "Internet" company such as Xiaomi, its main idea is based on the "product" uniqueness and "fans" relationship, do not spend too much form to consider the form can be simple and direct style, the focus falls on product display (such as through Buried burden of expectation and other methods) follow fans "public opinion" activities, Internet word of mouth spread and so on.

And if it is a big luxury, usually more emphasis on this season's "fashion theme" is what you want to convey the "spirit and style" is what kind of spirit need to convey what kind of creativity? Therefore, the atmosphere to create and star representatives from the traditional sense of creativity is the focus.

In conclusion, no matter what type of conference, the first thing to start with is to define the goal, identify the theme and create the main idea based on the theme. Do not be too greedy, in fact, a conference as long as there is one of the biggest bright spot is sufficient, because all those who come to participate, and follow-up reports, usually focus on a point of interest and discussion, even if there are multiple screens, the proposal is Step by step, to highlight the climax part.

With the theme of the goal, there will be a focus, the follow-up work must focus on this force.

► Even the best ideas have budget support

Experienced public relations managers will quickly put all the ideas, venues, production, celebrities and so forth in mind, so as to form a reasonable framework. Control the budget, and spend money on where it is essential.

Spent the bulk of the celebrity guests, venues, structures, performances and so on. If Fan Bingbing such a star of the order, the appearance fee usually 2 million, of course, depends on the relationship; online KOL (opinion leaders) is also hot, not only the value of communication, but also will be strong self-media.

The venue is a look and creative stuff, the conference usually choose to conference in major centers, hotels, stadiums and other places, but often, under some innovative restaurant is a very cost-effective option, the author was in International Trade area to find a very elegant, and a shallow pool cafe, only 100,000 yuan package, they conducted a very beautiful water fashion conference, T stage ride in the water, the models come in scattered light, the lights shine dreams.

►Execution: is the body of the conference

With the idea of ​​acceptable budget range, the next step is how to do it. Conference implementation is actually easy to control, just remember 3W: Where, Who, When

►Where to choose

Site to consider several points: capacity, facilities, grade, cost, transportation, ancillary (such as catering accommodation), for the record. And need to play a predetermined amount of advance, the more the number of conference participants, the more popular locations, the more it will crash with the popular time or event, the more you need to book in advance, for the sake of stability, you can simultaneously examine multiple locations Program.

Then there is the weather, creative, graceful address, often in the outdoors, we still remember the "Little Era" where the original site suddenly began to goose heavy snow, thanks to Gu Li prepared in advance indoor options. However, when I saw that period, I actually have some whimsy, in the heavy snowfall on the waterfront, set the glass curtain wall, which raised the warm stove, the entire conference as the elegant swan slowly floating in the ice world. Is it not too good?

Of course, budget, budget! If it is a fashion show, it will probably at any cost to pay for the magnificent environment, because "desperately the ultimate beauty" is the art and luxury spread points; and although many Internet companies are also rich and powerful, but generally not Will be so delicate, spend the same money, they would rather rent a larger place, call friends from all over the country called fans to a revelry.

▌ Let's briefly talk about facilities, transportation, and facilities.

Because many conference held in the field, so the convenience of transportation must be considered thoroughly. At the same time the organizers must be ready to pick up vehicles (such as important guests need a separate car and driver), while the big wave of media guests can have a bus at the airport station and other pick-up. Even the conference in the city, try not to look for too outdated, especially traffic congestion areas, such as the magic of the Royal Park, due to the vast territory, the choice of too remote place will bring great inconvenience to the participants.

Facilities, according to conference needs, to detect the most basic power supply, wireless network, projection, microphone and audio equipment, tables and chairs are complete, is enough, if not enough to prepare and transport in advance. And many fashion conference, the United States and other aspects of sound and sound requirements are very high, usually need to build their own complex, ranging from a few days, as many days, which must consult with the venues to process good things, usually need to pay a lot more Rental fees.

Supporting catering, accommodation is also very important, it is best to arrange together with the venue, which is the conference favorite to choose a hotel important reason. If the food is far from the venue, you need to arrange the route and team members. For example, there are times when we held large-scale activities in the Beijing Convention Center, over a thousand people needed to open multiple restaurants scattered throughout the venue. We arranged corresponding restaurants by color on the ticket, and each received different directions.

With WeChat, you can greatly improve efficiency. For example, wechat accounts can be prepared in advance. Participants are encouraged to follow WeChat and all the information can be sent via WeChat. Of course, do not completely rely on the new method, print the meeting schedule, even if the SMS notification, it is not phone calls, are not lazy. Do activities, sincerely say a "fine" word.

There are people, money, then there is a very important one, there is a timetable. Timeline But a summary of the entire project requires a very calm, sensible, focused grasp of Scorpio, not afraid of offended comrades to control the overall pace. If you Missed the deadline, you'll find a scruffy scorpion behind you saying "you are dead!" This is not the last minute we say "minute by minute" Rundown, so the crushing thing that can be done to Virgo , Scorpio as PM (Project Manager) is responsible for the overall planning.

Usually a grand ceremony, from 3 months ago will start planning, because of the need to reserve some important figures of time, need to reserve the venue, material production, rehearsal and so leave enough time. Often, we'll pinpoint the launch date for Launch Day, then push back the schedule and schedule each specific person responsible for the tasks on the schedule, and we'll meet regularly to inform each other about the progress.

►Who staff

Divided into several major parts:

Invited staff: Organizer leaders, invited guests, celebrities, media from the media and other opinion leaders (bloggers, microblogging, etc.), fans;

Staff: internal staff, external public relations firm, activity company, actor (not the star, is the activity performer), host (very important), etiquette, makeup artist, camera photographer.

Let me talk about invited personnel, to be prepared in advance, as scheduled with the venue, the more important, the more popular leaders, guests, celebrities to make an appointment in advance. Star costs are high (easily tens of millions of games), but many television, fashion media are directed at the stars, they mainly bring the spread of the effect, so the fashion show, especially luxury, will certainly please There are celebrities to "platform", of course, the star is also a risk, because it is a celebrity, so be sure to pay attention to the recent image is healthy, with or without negative, of course, some daring brands will specifically invite the topic of the star, causing concern, anyway, this matter Double-edged sword to see how to control it.

As for the Internet conference, the protagonist is usually very simple, and is the product owner, no pop star to the site, but the guests are very important, such as partners, an important industry figures, influential media and so, at this time, good design is very important interaction between guests, or say, just ask the right person, they do not necessarily need to design topic, as long as there is good communication in advance between the top and the views of the collision, a spark is generated at the site (of course, big brother Their time is not a good book, you can arrange to talk in advance by telephone or conference room, but also during the press conference before the rest of the quiet please talk to each other). For these more distinguished guests, there must be someone special hospitality and guidance, to arrange special room for rest and make-up.

For the media, usually two weeks to one month in advance notice, but be sure to confirm many times (telephone, invitation letter, pre-departure confirmation, SMS, etc.). Different activities, naturally invited media and opinion leaders are different, but now fashion is also more and more emphasis on online opinion leaders (KOL, Opinion leader) opinion, online Reds see more and more shows. Such conference as millet, it is simply fans of carnival.

Say the staff again. Usually within the company, public relations companies and activities of the company's three parts as the core staff, to form a working group, before the press conference must often meet to ensure seamless docking. Court staff will usually dress uniform (according to conference tone) is generally more low-key but do not just need to wear your brand, work cards often do differentiate according to the nature of work, the most important principle is that the staff of "one person stare concerned, things There is only responsible person ", no matter what position in the company, the conference may be responsible for star guide, from start to finish, is responsible for staring the chair, when the guests need to be on stage to send the minute and not bad (A perfect conference is such a detail string together).

Host, is very important. In millet conference, Rebbs himself from beginning to end guest came down. In fact, this is not a bad idea, because the host's basic task is to string live the whole activity. Who else knows Rex even more about millet? Fashion conference, sometimes you can let designers guest guest host, and many luxury goods, consumer products conference, usually still ask professional moderators, and sometimes bilingual host. Of course, it is also a good idea to have a celebrity or opinion leader who is well represented and controlled.

Sometimes we ignore the camera, makeup, stylist these staff, in fact, they are very important. Medium-sized conference press must have two cameras each. If you look for someone familiar with the subject matter, a press conference will let those who have not come to see it. They need a few hours in advance to come to the venue, with PR agencies telling important times, people and scenes, and things to watch out for. After the shoot, you need to export the photos to public relations company selection, so take the relevant storage devices. Makeup style based on the number of guests and celebrities, actors and etiquette equipped. Important guests and celebrities are best cooked special make-up stylist, do not underestimate these face projects Oh, 1 million stars are invited, do not mean 12,000 "face fee", do not be surprised, really This price.

►When Timeline & Rundown

For the press conference, the timetable is the lifeline. This is because the timetable is not only a matter of recording time, it is to string together the entire project, sort out the contents of the project, and schedule of responsibilities for the division of labor. Insiders often have timeline obsessive-compulsive disorder. As long as a project is to be based on the time of publication backwards push back for each part of the work to allow time to allocate a responsible person, set out the current status and the next problem to be solved.

There are usually two schedules. The first one is the big timetable from the beginning of the project. Depending on the circumstances, about two months in advance can be divided into several large blocks, such as media public relations, event building, celebrity guests Etc., assigned to different leaders, and then coordinated at all times according to the progress of all parties. Here is a barrel principle, that is, if some of them are insurmountable difficulties, such as the venue can not coordinate, the boss can not wait, the entire project will be affected. Another schedule is that we often say Rundown, is the conference immediately before the start of the scene of the implementation of the table, based on the press conference to develop, we often say to be refined to "Minute by minute" is actually not at all Exaggerated, for example, in the Kick-off moment may be on the stage speaker's hand waved, all the scenery, music, actors must be together, it is accurate to the second is right.

With the timetable, the whole team can start the work, the responsibility is clear. Everyone also knows who to look for cross-sectoral issues. Every schedule has a Deadline dead line, of course, the total control of the schedule must be left with a clear dead deadline where the heart, because "all the problems may go wrong place" (Everything that can go wrong will go wrong.

►Communication: is the expression of the conference

A conference, ranging from a few dozens, as many as thousands. However, we can make great efforts to do so in the hope that its influence will reach tens of millions of people.

At the beginning, "IDEA" said that both Xiaomi's "product innovation" "Pyramid fan linkage", or the dazzling scenes of fashion luxury "creative", are in fact to "deliver message" to convey information. Recently looked at the elevator in the office next to a particularly fun ads, which shuttle all kinds of celebrities (such as Yu Qian fans dangling in the street) Everyone is curious mouth open until the last suddenly opened a Buick car, At this time, the elevator has come, all people understand the sigh, what does this mean ah? What is the relationship? So, the press conference was so cool and cool that if you did not convey a very specific "Key message", you would have no choice.

Communication, there are several:

First, the same meaning that all venue arrangements point to, such as a specific innovation or style (return to the 60's), contains many details, such as on-site arrangements, costumes, gifts, slogans, etc., which can leave a clear impression ;

Second, the spokesman's speech should not be stinky and lengthy. Instead of being "cordial, true and clear," sometimes a humorous joke points people's mind better than long speech ; Special attention here is the presentation (usually PPT) writing and design, if not, go to Jobs to learn it;

Third, PR: This is the narrow sense of Communication. Invite the media and KOL to prepare the necessary Press Kit for them (press releases, activity flow and guidelines, company or new product introductions, interesting souvenirs, buggies, etc.) Is the need to sign in to the media, but usually the most important communication is the "time node", who do not want to disclose their secrets in advance, especially in the network today, so now with softcopy (electronic version) form Press release (including live photos) is more common.

Fourth, interview and display. We often use a word called "pitch", pitch that white means to get the meaning (is free, not to buy), Pitch to important media or interview from the media is very important, because the pass for the shop volume Interview in order to find out the depth of the two need to be combined. Product display, so that the media is also the same purpose,

Fifth, the manuscript, give the media information is for them to maximize the spread out, so you need to review the manuscripts of public relations, this is really a game and consider emotional business time, and only the public has received the correct information, can only be considered Achieve their goals,

Sixth, second spread, if just said not to achieve the purpose, then the seeds of information lead to public debate and the heat, spontaneous forwarding even more marvelous. For example, the movie "To Youth" has triggered numerous discussions with the masses of netizens,

Seventh, KPI, spread out the final assessment is to be, such as Baidu Index, such as microblogging hot topics, of course, there is a unified industry standard PR and advertising value calculation.