The Legend of Nueria - Part 2 - The cursed blades

in #the7 years ago (edited)

  Chapter 2 - The Cursed Blades:  

As Nevirr took a step in the city of Manatree, he quickly noticed how people around him were giving him »the look«. It was not pleasant and Nevirr really didn't like it. He stepped into an inn, the inn smelled terrible, of puke and alcohol spilled all around, the tavern was pretty big in size and it was only one big hall, he sat on the left side behind the first table he saw, next to an old lady, who was sleeping. The inn keeper stepped up to him and asked him what he wants. He said: » A bottle of grog, for me. « the bartender smiled, and went away to get his drink. Meanwhile the lady, sleeping on her arms, raised her head in one fierce fast move and started chanting. Nevirr of course did not understand a word she was saying, so he grasped his blade but did not pull it out. The Lady stopped in the same instance and handed him a note saying: »True power in flasks. «, then she ran out as if she was running away from something. Nevirr did not think much of it, he said to himself that she was probably drunk, the bartender delivered his drink to him, and Nevirr took a big gulp. He did not like the drink and just left it on the table along with some pieces of silver coins.

Nevirr stepped out of the tavern and looked both ways, he did not see the old Lady anywhere. Firmly grasping the note, he decided to head further into the town. He kept on repeating the sentence »True power in flasks. « in his head, he couldn't find a reference anywhere, not on shops, not on boards hanging above the shops. At last he found an alchemy shop, a pretty neat and nice looking alchemy shop, he stepped inside and there was a young alchemist standing behind the counter. Nevirr walked up to him and handed him the note, asking what it means. The young alchemist read the words and the expression on his face went from a happy charming salesman to a serious looking, frightened alchemist, as he grasped his flask, he said: »Are you in the M.R.G? «. Nevirr looked at him confused and asked him what M.R.G. means. The young alchemist whispered: »The Manatree Royal Guard. « Nevirr said he never heard of them and that he just arrived in town, and explained what happened at the tavern. The young alchemist holstered his flask and introduced himself: »Hello I’m Asmir, I work here and the lady you mention earlier is Estana.«. Nevirr introduced himself as well. He asked what the note means, Asmir handed over a bottle of flask, it was a bright yellow flask, with a bright shine and left around what seemed like sparkling dusk. »Drink it. « he said. Nevirr firstly looked at Asmir to see any expressions on his face that would make him feel untrustworthy. Asmir remained calm and encouraged him again. Nevirr took a big sip from the flask and felt the purest, happiest and the most calming energy surround him. But not even fifteen seconds later, he fell on the ground and lost consciousness.

 He woke up the next day, feeling terrible. He had a terrible headache and he was feeling sick, but he woke in what seemed like a dungeon, next to some herbs on a soft pile of grain. Estana approached him, and he tried grasping his blades, but they were gone. Estana looked at him and in a soft voice said: »Calm down, child. I'm only here to help and I am of no threat.«. »Then return me, my blades« shouted Nevirr in anger. Estana just stood still and kept her eyes on him, »I'm making a small improvement on them« she said. »Improvement? « Nevirr asked. »Yes, improvements, they looked a little bit rusty, and I am just fixing them up. « Nevirr calmed down as she really did not feel as a threat. He stood himself up and asked where he is. Estana said, that he is in the very alchemy shop he set foot in. »Just under it« she added. »What do you want from me? « Nevirr asked. “I see something in you, young one, a special talent I have not felt in a long time. Something tells me you are going to make a wonderful alchemist, and show this world the greatness that alchemy can provide. “Nevirr was in shock and asked intriguingly “Alchemy, me? Is Alchemy even a power? “.”it shall give you what you seek for, Nevirr. “Responded Estana. “Okay, how do you know my name, and how do you know what I seek for?”. “You seek to destroy the village you were cast out from.” She responded. “What? How do you know that?” Shouted Nevirr. “You mumble in your sleep.” Jokingly said Estana. As soon as she finished her sentence, she threw a flask at the ground and appeared behind him. “Oh, and yes, there is a lot of power in Alchemy” She said softly as the wind. Nevirr jumped out of bed, as she startled him. “Show me.” He answered. 

And so, Estana started to train Nevirr in the arts of Alchemy.     

Back at the Kupchatki Settlement Neyra was sent out for her first mission…         

Hello guys,   I know its been a while, but I was very busy lately, just found some time to write this out, hopefully some graphics will come soon, so you guys can see what Neyra, Nevirr, Estana and Olgrid look like.     

Oh also, maybe there will be two writers for this story, we are arranging things out, if somebody will be willing to help me.     

Best Regards, Mitch