in #the8 years ago


acts as a charitable, fraternal, educational, social and character-building society.

Masonic Fraternity:

Masonry's active ideal is the brotherhood of man under the Fatherhood of God.

Masonic education is a vital part of receiving your Master's degree in Freemasonry.

Masonic Education:

Freemasonry supports public education and teaches its own members morality and brotherhood by means of ceremonies and symbols.


The Masonic Fraternity furnishes opportunity and inducement for men to gather for group enjoyment and personal development.

Character Building:

All Masonic activities stress the values of personal integrity and personal responsibility. Each of the 3 degrees within a lodge culminates in a man becoming a Master Mason.
Each member is encouraged to make efforts to improve his community in the interest of human welfare, inspire the members with feelings of charity and good will for all mankind as well as move them to translate these learned principles and convictions into individual action.

What will I learn if I become a Free Mason?

Use your Masonic-Bible when you become a Free Mason!
You will learn biblical history from the days of Solomon's Temple, throughout the Middle Ages In Europe, Masonic Speculative Lodges and Grand Orient Lodges were being formed in each country.
Many exact dates of historical events are sometimes difficult to discern, however Masonic records show that these Grand Lodges were formed in: England in 1717, Ireland in 1725, France in 1728, the United States in 1730 and Scotland in 1736.
If you wish to study and learn, the Holy Scriptures will finally begin to come alive to you with their real people and their successes and failures. You will learn biblical truths with the Supreme Architect of the Universe, as your Master.
If I contact someone to become a Free Mason, will I receive a continuous barrage of spam and junk mail?
Why not? In some jurisdictions, a man wishing to become a Free Mason must of his own free will, ask to become a Free Mason. In other jurisdictions, (a few U.S. states and in England), a man wishing to become a Free Mason may be invited to join by a current member who feels that he would be an asset to the Fraternity.
In either case, each and every man comes to Freemasonry of his own free will and accord.
Every man who wishes to become a Free Mason (whether he requests to be admitted as a member or whether he has been invited to be admitted to the fraternity) must be investigated as to his background and then balloted upon by his prospective Lodge's brethren.
If I join Freemasons, will I learn Freemasons secrets and Masonic Lodge Secrets?
Yes. But, if Freemasons secrets and Masonic Lodge secrets are your main reason for joining, your enthusiasm will soon diminish. Here are the Freemason's secrets: They are the grips, passwords, penal signs and ritual work.
The remainder of the craft of Freemasonry is found in the Holy Books around the world, the Old Charges, which are old Manuscripts and Old Lodge Charters which date back to 1390, and in Freemason books.
In fact, if you are considering becoming a Free Mason, the easiest way to begin learning about Freemasonry is to begin right here on this website.
I hear and read about Free Masons being satanic, taking part in pagan rites, attempting to create a New World Order (NWO), such as the New World Order videos on YouTube, and their plans to take over the world. Is any of this true?
No. In fact, let's consider this, rationally, at greater length. Entire countries and civilizations have come, gone and changed in the several hundred year period during which Freemasonry has existed.
If Freemasons were, in fact, attempting to take over the world, (having approximately 300+ years in which to accomplish such a feat), one could only come to the logical conclusion that these Masonic secrets are either tremendously well-kept (from both Freemasons and non-Freemasons) or... that after all this time, Free Masons aren't very effective planners.

Is Free Masonry a secret Masonic society?

Free Masonry's "secret" inheritance from the past is largely ceremonial. The Masonic Freemason fraternity meets in Masonic halls and temples, whose addresses are in the telephone books in the United States.
(However, it is difficult to call a specific lodge because most only meet a couple times a month, therefore, if you stop by, there probably won't be anyone there.)
Most Freemasons proudly wear their Masonic rings and Masonic lapel pins.
If you are thinking about joining the fraternity, and becoming a Master Mason, it is also beneficial to you to learn more about the reason why Freemasons wear a Masonic signet ring which displays Freemasonry's logo, the square and compasses.
Many member's vehicles display Masonic emblems such as the Square and Compass. or the famous 2B1Ask1, ... To-Be-One-Ask-One bumper sticker.
Newspapers and magazines record many of their activities and list their officers....and their charity work and events are not only very public, but very well attended.
Each jurisdiction has a Grand Lodge. Here is a list of the Grand Lodges around the world. Each state in the United States also has a Grand Lodge. Subordinate lodges fall under their Grand Lodge's jurisdiction.
Most Grand Lodges around the world have websites, as do many subordinate lodges.
Despite the ongoing National Treasure documentaries, and the DeCoded episode on television in December, 2010, which inferred that Freemasons somehow used our symbolic Masonic tools to stealthily remove the cornerstone to our nation's Capitol, (without anyone noticing), in reality, the everyday Freemason's secrets remain, (as they have for centuries) as the specific grips, penal signs, passwords and ancient rituals used within the lodge.
These are carryovers from ancient ceremonies, which, if omitted, would remove some of Freemasonry's very proud history.


Oh come on, cut the crap already.

Why dont you tell people about true esoteric knowledge you have been hiding for so long and what the cube really represents?

What degree are you if I may ask? Lets talk real shit right here, right now.

what ? o.O
im just sharing what i know o.O

That is exactly what a pyramid scheme and compartmentalization do. The majority unknowingly doing things and only the couple "top floors" know what is truly going on.

I do not know how much access you have, or if you are a initiated yourself, but highly advise you to do some digging. You might be surprised about what is going on behind the curtains of these "masters".

yep there are people out there who calls themselves gods
by the looks of it i assume you know something :)