The piece of string at the end of market day
The rich people with vehicles of all kinds carts gigs wagons dumpcarts at a great big hall for a great meal.
There were chickens pigeons and legs of metton in the rost of an appetizing dour of rost beef.leaf and gravy dripping over the browned skin wich incresed the appetite and made every bodys mouth watered.
Every one told his fair his purchases and sales the diner and discussed the crops and the weather wich was favourable for the green things but not for wheat.
Suddenly at the sound of drum beat in the court everybody rose from the seats except a few ones who still had the food in thair hand.after the drum beat had ceased the drum beater called of the people who wereowto the noe attentive
And implety wating forhim to cal outhndred it is here by made now to thenimproty wating for hjm and genral to be all person in there black leather pocked
Pocked book containing five hundred shalling and some busness papers was.lost of roTed between 9 amd 10 in themorning the fknder is requsted to reated
Office or 0 same to the mear office and to mr james the cracked of this public hall.