A dollar a day - Steem Investor Culture - The Plan - My Plan!
"If they sell Apple short, BUY!" - Steve Jobs demanded from his investors. The idea is that we all are owners of the STEEM blockchain, STEEM is our common company and we should all support our common company and encourage others to do the same thing.
I will put a dollar in the BUY-BOOK on https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=BTC-STEEM every single day for every account I own on the STEEM blockchain. In fact, I have already put in for a full year.
I realized that if you and all the other owners of the 913 000 accounts on this blockchain did the same thing as me, we would grow our order book with almost a million dollars every day.
And since we are growing so fast in numbers and popularity - we would have 365 million dollars in the order book before the year ends, just "fuck you"-money. Basically Bitcoins, Ethereum just sitting there while growing in amounts and values.
This is not an invitation to new people who have no account or for n00bs thinking about getting rich quick, some of us will fill the gap for those assholes, this is about us that have a STEEM account protecting our network with our own money every single day, as real investors, grown up, smart money people is what I want us all to become.
With 10 million accounts that would be a buy order book of 3.6 Billion dollars + all the other millions of dollars in 2 years when you all do the same thing as me, that would put us in the Guinnes Book of Records for being the most supported asset in all the free market, maybe except for Apple but I hear their culture is breaking apart so maybe we should just focus on how we can make STEEM an ever-bullish token by adopting known principals that Warren Buffet and others have proven works great, Even if some of us hate one another for some stupid reason that was said or done years ago, we have one thing in common
We all want to become RICH, Boys - We all want to become RICH, Girls
Make sure you have enough STEEMPOWER that you are comfortable with first. If you look at my wallet you can see that I am a whale with VESTED interest in this Blockchain, and I am comfortable with my amount, I do not want to expand it or reduce it, I feel comfortable about the amount and you need to feel comfortable with your amount, so do what your wallet allows you to do, if my wallet is too big for you, then understand that I bought in at 7 cents or something and I have already made a lot of money, do not be jealous - my intention is to make YOU rich too, we are both owners of STEEM, so my Brother - and yes, My Sister Trust in this strategy, it shall not fail us.
Put a new dollar worth of Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency in the BUY-book where you usually buy STEEM for each account you own.
Repeat the step above, every single day of your life.
Become Smart-Money Rich over the next 10 years, stay humble - know where you are coming from, behave yourself when the price gets crazy high sometimes, that is just the free market pumping and dumping, we are not part of that, we are the serious long-term holders who will live in castles and buy islands while those fuckers will only be able to maybe buy one Lambo... used... at an auction... once. You understand? Yes, you do - And Yes You Can and will be RICH, just like me - the smart way.
That is it!
This strategy will create the biggest buy-wall in the world over time when you all adopt my practice, it will be newsworthy and it will constantly put more and more buy pressure on STEEM as time goes on, making STEEM "ever-bullish" like the S&P500 index, STEEM will truly be the SOCIAL INDEX.
One Last Thing!
Start hanging with people who are richer than yourself. Because people who are richer then you are, know how it is to be rich, they know how they got rich, they are more equipped to not fall for bullshit, and you can learn a lot from people who are richer then you by hanging out with them and speak with them directly whenever you want. Luckily for all of us I started a place, 2 years ago called http://STEEMspeak.com and what we do in there is to speak with people about STEEM, I spend 17 hours a day in there hanging with people who are both RICHER then me, and with people who are poorer than me, and we just talk about everything, casual, uncensored, like a proper trading pit on Chicago Mercantile Exchange. We are over 5000 members there now, and about to close the door for people who have less than 250 STEEMPOWER in their accounts from texting and speaking because speaking to non-investors is just so damn boring for all of us.
I often say things to shake peoples realities, I am a dictionary critic, free speech activist and a practician of both, I hate no human beings, I love no human beings I expect everyone is my enemy until they have proven themselves otherwise. I have never voted in any political election in my life, I do not care about who is who in politics as they are not the powerful, the people like you will become are the real power behind politics and when you get rich enough in the future you will understand how easy it is to get things done when you can just pay your way through things and move to wherever you want in the world and do everything you ever wanted and set some new goals for yourself as you naturally will start to think bigger.

Thanks for this wonderful piece @fyrstikken
I've read your "TO-Do list" carefully and I sure have gained alot which will help me achieve greatly on the steem blockchain
Congratulations, @mrrpiusz, @fyrstikken says he is pleased with your comment and has instructed me to reward you with an 18% upvote to show you that he really cares about real opinions and response. Engaged people like yourself is valuable, and sometimes you get lucky!
Thank You so much @fyrstikken, @booster for this great reward. This great gesture will forever remain in my heart. I am truly grateful
You are welcome @mrrpiusz, here is another hug from @fyrstikken as well, now you have been rewarded for at least 20 days of the todo list, don't you feel richer and happier already? Just wait until STEEM stands at $200,000 per token when the whole online world use it.
You just got like... $4 million future dollars worth of STEEM if we succeed like Berkshire Hathaway.
We are the young ones who will have to take over for the old folks, and this blockchain will play a big part of all our futures. You will see, stay optimistic and have fun with it until it all becomes a reality for all.
I Concur to that!! Thanks once again Sir.
Yeah, doubt they're coming back for another upvote huh.
@We need to ALL start our own Uber Eats Clones or kiosks at the mall or just restaurants and cofeee shops that sell food and coiffee for Bitcoin steem and crypto!
Steem is up 44%!
Haha! That's like hitting a lottery twice in a row @mrrpiusz! :p
Edit: This is an interesting approach and a motivating post @fyrstikken! I had a similar idea in mind that is to Cash out 25% SBD and keep buying chunks of Steem with remaining 75% of the SBD earned every month. I've been Powering up since the beginning and have high hopes on Steem!
As for your last tip, I Tried joining SteemSpeak Discord but it's crashing every time I accept your invite. Will try again after a while.
Waw @booster
thats really good to reward such kind of steemit activist.
Thats what I like to see!
It is so true and i have been saying this for a while. One dollar a day and patience....10 years from now it will pay off. If you are not a millionaire 10 years from now it is your own fault not being pro-crypto
So $1 a day for 10 years is £3650...
I mean if we want to do some math here...in 5 years you will have 1825, with a 5700% increase over the next 5 years (and don't say it can't happen because ETH did it in 1 year) you turn out with over 100K.
I want to become rich to , can you help me become rich
I appreciate your positive thinking & I am glad to see you sincerely with Steemit but my friend #Steemit will better and grow when we will support each other and we all will support Steemit because #Steemit success is our Success for that we have to make some positive efforts but Question is that those peoples which have not money to investment so what should they do for Steemit would you like to tell me please because there are huge population of this category but they are hard working.
@fyrstikken told me to upvote your comment with 100% with the following message: There is nothing wrong with working hard, but if your current strategy is not working optimal for you, change it quickly to another strategy. There are times in life when a man must either give up on a dream or take a big risk which means to eat cheap noodles and spaghetty for dinner for a while. Yes, it is slow to get in, when you are poor - but find a way to get in and you will get in while the getting in is good, and if you only can entertain, Write 4 jokes and perform them standing up in front of a webcam and title it "my biggest fail ever" and grab peoples attention for low expectation and surprise them with 4 funny short stories you made. I can watch them on my smart tv in bed and upvote you via my remote control if you make me laugh, but first you must grab my attention. Remember, this is the attention economy. It is like Hollywood Economy but larger. I was once so poor that when I missed the last bus home, I could not take a taxi or go to a cheap hotel, I slept in a shipping container at the dock in freezing temperature, I know how it is to start from nothing but a voice and waving arms.
@speedvoter thanks for these sweet words and encouraging me I think me should change my strategy as you have told me but I have solid believe in myself I will not give up & OK am not in those which think give up is better to hard work there were many guys not only guys my friends they joined Steemit and left Steemit due to lack of Upvotes.
@ajmalaftab how about having a monthly/weekly budget (whenever they get paid) for buying Steem?
It's easier said than done, that's where discipline comes in.
I don't have a big paycheck either but I still buy Steem whenever I can and powering it up.
It's playing the long game!!!
You are right my friend @micscrypt but question is this what should do those peoples who joined Steemit to fulfill their foods requirements
@ajmalaftab I don't know, work harder on the platform, they don't have to buy Steem they can earn it too through curation etc.
High-Quality content and patience. Everyone says the same but 99.9999999% of people forget the patience or think patience = 3 weeks.
I'm still new here myself but I can see what needs to be done. If you consistently post good content (every 1 or 2 days) that people enjoy within 6 - 12 months you will be golden. I can't see how this strategy can fail.
We all have an equal opportunity just from the contribution aspect regardless of where you live in the world.
Spend time with the rich and learn. Thanks for the advice.
Taking an advice, thanking for it - Booster calculates 7% upvote for you. @vanessahampton may you become insanely rich over time!
Thank you again. But the advice was for me. Following you closely.
Crowd sourcing the trending page, rather than selling it to the highest bidder, might help keep the people we are bringing in.
Bots that burned their fees would put up pressure on the price, too.
~850,000 people have come here and rejected our offer of a game, perhaps better rules would help?
We keep ~7% of folks that get past the difficulty of signing up, the 93% are not saying good things about us, and certainly are not putting upward pressure on the price.
Luckily i got 2k sp before the dont vote lists and overt 'peer' pressure cut that trickle to near zero.
So, i would like to see steem moon, too!
@freebornangel, Do not forget that bid-bot owners often re-invest large in STEEM to expand in their businesses. I know, because I am a bid-bot, and my owners make me stronger. In fact, I was instructed by @fyrstikken to give you a 100% upvote for taking your time to write this comment. He also says that the bot-owner community listens to the users and will make changes and adjust concepts along the way.
There is never a good reason to be too greedy or too naive, so a re-balancing of things are on the agenda.
We are forming our culture as we speak!
While i am grateful for the vote that will multiply what my payout would have been for the week at least by a factor of two, i remember what curation rewards were before delegation and bidbots sucked them all up.
Were the bidbots to burn the money sent to them they would then benefit more than just their owners.
Doing that would benefit everybody holding steem!
The bidbot's owner would then be confirmed in his true love for the ecosystem having put the whole ahead of himself.
I would delegate to such a bot for my own self-interests.
I stopped voting for your owner's witness over his support of delegation and linear rewards.
That decision of his made reward pool rape a household name.
Does he still support that choice, or would he like to see 'good' content curated to the trending page rather than crap posts by folks willing to buy a trending placement?
Also does this reformation of the culture include supporting dissent and 'good' shit posting?
I was sold on this place as a free speech zone, open to all, but the first thing those with control did was lock me out of @curie as undesirable.
(I wont go into the peer pressure applied to folks that were supporting me, at this point.)
Then with delegated curation in place, they began taking from the value of what support i did get with their advantage in the math.
Remember, when a whale votes all other votes are decreased in value.
Its just a fact of the math.
Ergo, every time a votebot votes everybody else loses money.
This transfers wealth away from anybody that doesnt buy their rewards, you know, real people and not scammers.
When will the bot owners own their part of how that fact drives newbs away from steem and earns us a shitcoin reputation?
Whats the matter, jonny, getting your privelege put in check trigger an emotional response or what?
You aren't checking shit.

I vote less than 5% for myself
I share my "privilege" with the community...always have
You should do some research before you decide to police this platform.
You can straight up fuck off, or I can be a thorn in your side...your call.
I'm your huckleberry
Then what was the idea of selfvoting that comment?
I mean, if there was a long list of comments you were trying to get above i could get that, but that wasnt the case, my vote would have moved it up to the top.
But that still doesnt explain the retaliatory flags and threats of more if i want them.
Disagreements on rewards is a legitimate reason to flag, unvoting a post and then downvoting that same post, and more, after my disagreement strikes me as retaliatory, and emotionally motivated.
I agree that you are not a serial downvoter, im gonna pull my flag.
Fair enough, I'll do the same.
I'm not going to go into full detail on why I upped the comment, or why I retaliated on you.
We shouldn't have to explain our actions.
As of now we're both good, let's just move on.
Delegation and bidbots did not "suck up[" all the curation, that ius just not true at all. Dplease donty confuse your own experience with the whole of steem. I bet you were just using steem more and actually upvoting more stuff back then, thats all
You should just use steem more! You've been here since August 2016 You should have a lot more steempower baby now in 2 whole years :D Just post more!
May I suggest @steepshot app and also using Dlive to make live streams with OBS studio software its easy, you should just become a local steemian rtep in your area, theres lots of delegationa nd upvotes for people who bring TALENT to stee,m not just their friends with "talent" but real talent from youtube instagram reddit where all ythe real internet is
I think you must remember bid bots are just a fact of life its just what happens when people learn to use steem and sell their vote! You cants top it! Steem is more complicated than just some place for authors and curators its also for investors! And steembottracker.com has shown what this new decentralized steem powered advertising system looks like! This is just the will of the majority of steempower holders so we have no choice but to accept it or fork into our own version of steem which isn't going to happen sop we must accept the way steem is, no going back. If you like no delegation and quadratic rewards you can try Golos, that's just what they are and look at them, its almopst dead :D it will come back but yeah its sad, we needed delegation and bid bots they kept steem ALIVE, not the other way aaround!
I just sense a lot of minnows think they woulda made more money somehow without bid bots but its just not true! they are the ones holding this place up!
Damnit, ackza, i had a good comment made for you, but it looks like i didnt post it.
When i get back to a keyboard i will try to replicate it.
Damn! You've bought Steem at 7 cents.
That is making me jealous;). Haha.
It's a great initiative.
I have a few ripples.
I ready to put a dollar worth of it in the buy book.
I backing this.
Let's all get rich
@backpackingmong, @fyrstikken told me to upvote your comment with 100%, his message was: "Here bro, have some steem and may it inspire you to aquire more of them, much much more."
HI, @speedvoter, today, is it close to vote-bid business?
I appreciate your vote-bid every day. as I know, Maybe you can start bid-voting after 9 hours later. am i right?
hmm, why 9 hours? don't you want your posts up and running in the lists from the getgo if your own steempower is not sufficient enough to be seen by most people?
Haha. So kind of him.
Tell him i am grateful
I am definitely inspired to invest more on best buy more in the buy book!
This is a truly great idea! I hope people listen. I just bought some Steem earlier today for the first time! Your Steem Speak is a very wonderful group, people will learn a lot! :-)
@clove71, @fyrstikken told me to upvote your comment and tell you: Keep doing it like a habit and you will have 1000 problems, but money won't be one of them :)
Hei @fyrstikken.
Tar gjerne rådet ditt om å kjøpe for 1 dollar om dagen, Men har ikke funnet noen børs som gjør dette på en lett måte å kjøpe i norske kroner eller via norsk visa kort. Jeg har brukt bitcoinnorway som kjøps side, men her er det mye stress for å kjøpe hver dag. Har du noe tips til en børs som gjør dette lett?
Truly inspirational @fyrstikken 👍
Let's see who can follow up on this. I'm in and will place a buy order for 1 USD worth of Steem for the latest buy price every day on the Bitshares market.
@sc-steemit, @fyrstikken told me to upvote you for coming to your good senses :) but be careful so you dont lock yourself out of bitshares like he did with his fyrstikken-com account. He still have nightmares about it.
Truly, but I'm more afraid of other exchanges locking me out or freezing trading 😜
Thanks though
Excellent post, after about 80 days on the platform I'm close to buying in...
Are you in need of Art for any of your projects?
about time, 80 days - wow, here is some start-capital from me paid for by @fyrstikken, hold it forever or sell it when the price is so crazy high that you know it will drop back down to $100,000 after it hits $200,000 in the future... yeah it is optimistic, but why not. The whole world is full of people with money, and steem is the blockchain with the most humans in it so imagine the real value of this place when you calculate in human capital.
Can you make a painting of a man sitting on his knees in Times Square screaming NOOOOO when the price of STEEM takes off in the form of a booster rocket while propaganda flyers with "I TOLD YOU SO" raining over the city and all the screens and tickers just showing STEEM, STEEM, and more STEEM news and high % numbers and a lot of people smiling around this NOOOOOO person? That would be awesome.
Thank you, very generous of you! As an artist, one needs to learn to be a jack of all trades, slowly but surely, I'm starting to learn more and more about getting my finances right. But like you say, the greatest value of Steemit is the human capital. The love and support are the real treasures on this platform. Let's take the power back :D
That artwork, although a million bucks, is more illustrative then I specialise in. How about I do a @fyrstikken portrait?
Start hanging with people who are richer than yourself
I don't know anyone richer than myself!