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RE: testing post includes

in #test8 years ago (edited)

Um haha! What really makes this funny is that I haven't checked the feed all day and I just happened to get on in time to see this :) Is this something for your site?


yeah testing something out... a way to include posts in posts so you can compile longer works that span a bunch of seperate posts. i decided to use your series to test it out.!?sigmajin/testing-post-includes

neat huh?

note the formatting still looks a little goofy, but you see the idea.

Oh, that's awesome! Do you have alpha testers yet?

i am planning to open it up to testers this weekend (ill send you an invite).... though right now anyone can use it to read )

home pages are the same as, except no '@'.

so is your homepage

posts are! plus author and permlink. So your most recent post would be!?dreemit/the-allies-of-old-book-two-renewal-chapter-forty-part-one-finale-memories-and-visions

everything still looks a little janky because im in the proccess of making sure all the markdown gets parsed properly (thats why some images don't show)

Very cool, I look forward to it :)

On the off chance you're around, I have a question- did you have to go all through my blog to get those posts, or were you able to put in a keyword to do it? I'm wondering because meesterboom wants to do a compilation of his animations and made a remark about having to go through and find them all. I know he does always use the word animation in the title.